Chapter 6

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I arrive at home around sunset, because days go by quicker when you have near death experiences and almost get mugged.

I open the door and walk in, as usual I hear my mom in the kitchen chatting with my dad, and Jen was probably in her room playing with a friend or some stuffed animals.

I come in and head right to my room, knowing that if I encounter either of my parents it would be a one way trip to doing homework. I open my room and lay on my bed. I try to process everything that happened today, already I felt like this was just the most eventful and scariest day ever.

Well, magic was real. That was something. I thrust out my arm as if expecting a wave of fire to shoot out and consume my room in burning flames. As expected, my room was not consumed in flames.

I sighed, processing the fact that I might still get them. It would be a fantasy come true, I mean what kid doesn't want magic? But still, the pain, the dream; it just gave me chills. I understand that something had to happen to get these powers, but why that? And why get powers at all? I doubt that we just spontaneously began to use some inner power to do this.

Magic was real.

I thought back to when Liam was first showing me, out in the forest when he lifted the dew. I still didn't know what to think of that, I didn't know what to think of anything at the moment.

I was experiencing something unlike anything before, something that didn't follow by the laws of science. Something that may be dangerous.

What if I hurt someone.

"No... don't think like that." I tell myself, whatever happens, no one would get hurt. Except Liam, he always found a way to hurt himself,

Then he came, what was his name? Brad? Yeah, Brad and his friends came. Liam hit him with a branch, and then I hit him with a branch. He must not like branches very much. And then that was it, I guess. except for the fact that they now know about Liam's powers and are out there somewhere.

I suddenly realize that they could be looking for us. I mean, we beat the crap out of him, embarrassed him in front of his friends, and showed them what freaks we were. If I saw someone with supernatural powers, I would be looking for them.

But they wouldn't look for us to get some special magic show, no. They would try to hurt us again, even more then last time. Hopefully they wouldn't know where to look, there were more then a few schools nearby and I doubt they knew which one we were at.

And then I went to the parking lot and bravely crossed a sinkhole. Well, minus the brave part.

I fall facedown on my bed and pull out my phone. Despite all that was happening, and everything I had seen in the past twenty-four hours. But hey, what else am I going to do? Practice magic I don't have? Prepare an emergency kit for when some jerks find us?

I scroll through my texts and seeing there wasn't much except Drake who was pissed that I bailed on him today. I ignored him mainly and switched to angry birds. I flicked the screen and watched the bird sail into the air and land on a pig with a poof. I was bored.

I turned my phone off and plugged it into the wall. I set my alarm and walk off to get some dinner. I sit at the table while Jen tells my parents about her day. I stare absently into the mash potatoes while I slowly chew. My mind wandered while we ate.

My mom turned to me, "how was your day Finn? Did you have fun with Liam?" She asked cheerfully, trying to include me in the family conversation, but I wasn't in the mood.

"It was fine, we went into the forest and just hung out." I say without enthusiasm. I can't tell them, they wouldn't understand. I swallow my food, I've never held something from my parents before. They always seemed to know when I was hiding something.

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