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choi maru

          The school bell rang indicating the end of classes. I started packing my things when I heard the faint downpour outside. The sky was dark. It was raining.

"Hey Maru, I'm going first. Something urgent came up. Sorry, I won't be able to walk home with you" Seulgi apologizes.

I smiled, "Its fine, I can manage." She sighs in relief and smiles at me as she bids her goodbye.

I realized that I was the only one who's left inside the classroom. I scanned the room and figured that the cleaners didn't do their duties for today. I sighed and started cleaning the room. It was always like this, they always depended on me. They knew that I wouldn't say no to anything.

Well, I was one at fault as well because I let them abuse my kindness. Seulgi always nagged me about this but like what she would  always say, I'm really stubborn.

Once done, I slung my bag on my shoulder and exited the room after flicking the lights off then locking the door.

The rain has gotten heavier and I cursed to myself for not bringing an umbrella with me.

"When will this stop?" I muttered to myself as I reached my hand out to feel the pouring rain.

I sighed. Suddenly, I felt a presence beside me. I turned to my side and looked up.

"Do you want to borrow my umbrella?" the boy asked and I was flustered.

He's tall, lightly tanned and very good-looking as well. I've never seen him around school before though. Is he a transfer student? 

"Uh, n-no. It will be very unnecessary" I declined his offer. He might be handsome but it won't change the fact that he's still a stranger.

"Oh, don't be shy. It's getting late you know. I'm sure your parents are worried" He smiles, and I swear I felt my cheeks burning as I saw his canines.

I thought about it for a second, he was right that dad might be worried by now. And, he seems to be someone decent. I guess?

"Uhm, is it alright?" I timidly asked, he nodded and immediately handed me his umbrella.

"I'll be going then, take care on your way home!" He shouts as he starts running with his bag over his head to cover himself from the rain.

"Hey! Wait!" I shouted but it was too late, he was already far away.

I watched as his figure slowly disappears, what a weird guy. We could've shared the umbrella.

I even forgot to ask for his name, how am I going to return this to him easily?

Well, we're in the same school so I think it'll be just fine.

When I returned, Dad wasn't home yet. He must be working overtime again. After changing to my comfortable clothes, I cooked dinner for myself and I put Dad's portion inside the microwave so he can eat it later.

I'm used to eat alone and I don't feel lonely at all. Well, that's what I would like to think.

When I entered my room, I started doing my assignments. I've also did some advance reading. As I finished, the umbrella from that weird guy caught my attention. I took it and a smile crept on my lips as I remembered how he smiled at me, offering his umbrella for me to use.


The next morning, I was bombarded by my classmates, asking to copy my homework.

"Maru please let me copy your homework! I'll treat you for lunch!"

"Me too! I'll pay for it!"

I didn't know exactly what to do. If I say yes, they'll continue this behavior. If I say no, I know that they'll start to bully me, which I don't ever want to happen.


"Ya! Are you guys should even be called a student?!" Seulgi interrupted making my classmates cower in fear. Seulgi's part of the school's student council that's why a lot of students wouldn't want to mess with her.

"You guys always ask for Maru's assignments! Don't you have your own brains to do yours?!" She shouted and I swear, I noticed one of my classmates shaking in fear.

But I'm thankful Seulgi stood for me.

"Sorry" they chorused and scampered away from me.

Seulgi turned to me with glare and I know she was upset with me.

"How many times do I have to tell you? Learn how to say no." She complains.

"I'm sorry, I just.. It's just hard for me to say no." I reasoned.

"When will you ever listen to me?" She rolled her eyes and shakes her head.

I gave her a small smile and started preparing for our next class.

Before I knew it, it was already P.E. class. The subject I hate the most because I don't really like activities that involves a lot of physical movements. Yeah, I'm a self-declared sloth.

The boys are playing soccer, while the girls are playing dodge ball.

Our class isn't the only one having P.E. class on the field, there's other classes too. That's why it's kind of loud and I don't feel comfortable. I hate loud places, but I need to bear with it for the sake of my grades. How unpleasant.

"Maru! Look out!" I heard Seulgi yelled, but it was too late. The ball hit my head pretty hard and it made me feel dizzy.

My surrounding was moving in slow motion and my vision is getting hazy.

My body feels light and my head feels really heavy. I was going to fall down any seconds and I could faintly hear my classmates calling my name.

Before my body collide against the ground, someone caught me. "Hey, are you okay?!" The voice was frantic in panic. The voice sounded so worried. Like the owner really cared for me. I chuckled. My throbbing head must be playing with me.

I barely managed to see the owner's face, the one who caught me but I was able to recognize him. A smile crept into my lips.

"Umbrella guy" I muttered before blacking out.


Hello my lovelies! I'm back with a new fanfiction featuring Seventeen's aspiring visuals Kim Memegyu! I hope you guys will support "In His Arms" as much as you guys supported my other works. The next chapter will be published after 10 votes and 5 comments! See you guys on the next chapter!


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