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choi maru

          After escaping the scene, I decided to stay on our building's rooftop in solitude  until the classes ended. I was too scared, too embarrassed to return to class after what happened in the hallway earlier.

My stomach grumbled in hunger--I wasn't able to have my lunch and I didn't have the guts to visit the cafeteria, for all I know, what happened earlier was gonna make the cafeteria a living hell for me.

It was already 6 pm, classes had ended an hour ago and there weren't  any more students roaming around. The sky had a dull orange tint with clouds as broken apart as my state of mind and it somehow soothed me up.

Alongside the setting sun, I rushed down to get my things I left in the classroom but to my surprise and  disappointment, my bag wasn't there.

I sighed, Seulgi must've taken it with her, which is fine. I fished out my phone from my pocket, I had put it into silent mode earlier because I didn't want to be confronted by anyone at that time.

I opened my phone and was surprised by the amount of unread messages and missed calls.

*54 messages and 20 missed calls from Seulgi*

*56 messages and 60 missed calls from an unregistered number*

I immediately texted Seulgi informing her that I was fine and was very sorry for leaving her earlier.

When I opened the messages from the unregistered number, I was surprised. It was actually Mingyu sunbae--where did he get my number?

His messages were just like Seulgi's. Both of them asking about my whereabouts and if I was okay.

Was he actually worried about me? I shrugged the thought and walked out of the building.

The sky was getting dark and the winds, chilly. As I made my way out, I noticed a tall figure just near the school gate with my bagpack in hand.

When I got nearer, I realized it was Mingyu sunbae.

"Maru!" He called as he waved his hands furiously with a wide smile plastered on his face.

I stopped in front of him with my head hanging low. I just couldn't face him knowing how horrible I had acted earlier.

"Where'd you disappear to earlier? Are you alright?" He asked and he sounded worried, making me feel guilty.

"I just needed some fresh air so I went to the rooftop, I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" He asked, his eyes searching mine.

I nodded my head, "Can I get my bag? I really need to go home." I didn’t want to make him feel bad by asking him so coldly but what could I do? I made up my mind back on the rooftop that before I get too attached, I'm going to step away.

He must've noticed my cold interaction so he gave up my bagpack immediately.

"Thanks. I'll be going now." I bowed my head not meeting his eyes and quickly turned away from him.

"Wait, Maru! I'll walk you home", he offered, making me stop on my tracks. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I turned around, facing him and this time I mustered up the courage to look him dead-straight in the eyes.

His brown eyes never failed to captivate me every time I laid my eyes on them. Those warm brown eyes that I was unwillingly slowly starting to admire.

But not now. I should stop anything that will involve him in my life.

"Why are you always so kind to me?" I asked, my voice trembling as I petrify Mr.Tears trying to bust out of the eyehouse.

"Maru..", he trailed off, completely oblivious to why I'm acting like this so suddenly.

"Why?! Tell me!" I found myself yelling at him. I felt bad but I had to be mean for now.

"Why do you treat me like you know me so much?!"

"Do you pity me?! Do you think I'm pathetic because I'm always alone? Is that why you've been hanging out with me!?"

"No Maru! It's not like that”--he inches closer to me but I step back.

"Then why?!" I yelled, as if I was begging him to make me understand.

He opened his mouth to answer but to my dismay, he pressed his lips together, not ejecting a single word at me. I chuckled as I wiped my tears away.

"Look Maru, I'm sorry. I can't tell you but trust me, I don't pity you." He advanced towards me but I stopped him.

"No. Don't come near me sunbae. Don't talk to me, don't look at me ever again. You hanging with me will just ruin your reputation.."

I stood heartbroken as I said those words. I just didn't want to get hurt or hurt him.

I turned back and started walking away with a visible hunch but not too long after that, Mingyu stopped me with his palm over my shoulder.

I was getting pissed at his persistency but he back-hugged me, instantly making me flustered. I tried to pry away but he was just too strong.

"No, Maru. I don't care about what other people say. I don't care if you're a loner. All I care about is.. you with me. Please, Maru.. I don't want to lose you."

I felt my tears violently gushing out of my eyeballs. I was moved and touched by his words. Nobody knew how much I wanted to be wanted. But even though his words touched me deeply--I just couldn't.

He might not care about the issues that came with me, about me being a loner, being pathetic, but the thing is, I do. I care about those things.

I gathered all my strength and broke out of his embrace.

"I'm sorry", I sighed. I felt as if a truckload of misery had been dumped over me. I angled myself, turning away from Sunbae and without looking back, I darted away.

As I was scooting away from Mingyu, I wished he forgets about me. Eventually, we'll just end up destroying each other and I wasn't ready to be broken again. I already had enough scars scathed in my heart and I was in no mood to get any more.

I apologize for the long delay guys. I've been busy with school and Christmas break just began so I finally have the time to update regulary. Also I have my friend edit the past and possibly the upcoming chapters. I'm really thankful for his help. You know who you are, and if you're reading this, THANK YOU SO MUCH! 😊
Next chapter will be uploaded after 20 comments and 40 votes. Keep reading guys!


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