No more tears - Tom Holland

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Omg it's my first imagine!! I'm sorry if it's terrible !!! 😔

Tonight was the night (Y,N) had been looking forward too for what felt like eternity. She was finally going to see her best friend again after months of him off doing press tours and interviews for his up and coming movie SpiderMan Homecoming. Although she was extremely proud of him, she really did miss him more than anything. She had come too feel lonely without him.

While Tom was away, (Y,N) had come to realise the truth that she had been trying to avoid.

(Y,N) was very much in love with Tom, although this was a thing she was too scared to admit too her best friend. She feared that if she spoke up, she would only ruin her beloved friendship with him.

It was now 7:05pm and tom promised to be around (Y,N'S) at 7:00pm sharp. She waited and waited, anxiety starting to build up in her. What if he forgot??? No (Y,N) he won't have forgotten. He's only a bit late. She tried to calm herself.

(Y,N) decided to kill some time, by turning her tv on, so she could distract her constant worry with her favourite tv show.

However this did not work.

She found herself repeatedly pressing the lock button on her phone to check the time.


Time passed slowly as (Y,N) felt more and more tears build up. She prevented them from falling, while trying to convinced her self he would be round soon.


(Y,N) released a single tear down her face, at the thought of her best friend forgetting about her. They have been planning this for weeks, and it has been the only thing getting (Y,N) though her week.

She shakily unlocked her phone and found her way to her contacts. She hesitantly hovered over the call button under Toms name, as tears flowed down her cheeks. Just as she was about too pick up the courage to press it, a gentle knock was heard at the door to her apartment.

(Y,N) turned her head and slowly rose to her feet, still shaking, and softy made her way across to the door.

She took a heavy sigh, and only hoped it would be who she most wanted it too be.

Without much time to think, she opened the door to find a grinning brown eyed boy on the other side.

"Sorry I'm a bit late, I can't believe how long it has been since......"

The boys grin quickly formed into a frown when he saw his best friends current state. Tears dripping from her red puffy eyes, while her contact seemed to flicker from his face to her hands.

"(Y,N) what's wrong what's happened" the clueless boy spoke.

(Y,N) looked at the worry and concern in his eyes, as she took a deep breathe.

"Tom, you are late, I thought you weren't going to come, and I thought you hated me now. I thought that you would have found better friends and that you didn't want too see me again. I thought - "

(Y,N) was quickly cut off with a bone crushing hug from Tom.

Backing her up into her apartment and skilfully closing the door with his foot behind them.

"Oh god (Y,N), I'm so sorry, I promise it was not on purpose, my flight was just delayed. I never meant for you to get upset. I'm so so sorry" Tom spoke into her hair while she sobbed on his chest.

They stayed in that very position in the middle of her apartment for what felt like hours. The only sound was of her sobs as Tom drew circles on her back to try and calm her.

(Y,N) finally broke apart and looked down feeling embarrassed.
"I feel so stupid now" she let out a little laugh " I've totally over reacted, I've just missed you a lot" she spoke as more tears building up.

Tom looked down on her and gently held her cheek and prevented the next tear to fall, by catching it with his thumb.

"(Y,N) I've missed you so so much, you are not stupid" he simply stated.

(Y,N) looked in his eyes and smiled up at her friend and soon became aware of her current appearance and looked down with embarrassment rushing over her yet again.

She was wearing a baggy jumper which went down to her thighs, covering her shorts she had on underneath. Her hair was in two messy space buns and she had no makeup on.

"Oh shit, I look terrible" she whispered, looking herself up and down.

"Never" tom simply spoke. "You always look beautiful (Y,N)"

(Y,N'S) head shot up with surprise at his words and Tom looked at the small girl with nothing but love and admiration filling his eyes.

(Y,N) was about too reject her compliment, like always, but tom stopped her.

"(Y,N) after being apart from you for so long, I have realised that I have been avoiding my feelings for you. I have been to afraid to admit them to myself."

(Y,N'S) curious eyes searched his face, unsure on where this was all going.

Tom took a deep breathe and continued
"You are the most beautiful, kindhearted, girl I have ever met. You are funny and odd at times, but that's what make you you. I am so thankful for you (Y,N), and I am so deeply in love with you"

(Y,N) was speechless. She had no idea how to react. She never expected her best friend to love her back.  She was in shock and could not speak, still in a close proximity to toms face as their arms were still tightly clung around one another.

Tom began to worry that he said too much and quickly spoke, "oh god, I'm sorry, I've ruined everything, I understand if -"

"I love you too" (Y,N) cut him off. "In fact I am am so in love with you Tom Stanley Holland" more tears ran down her face.

"No no no, no more tears (Y,N), I hate seeing you like this" tom spoke, while still caressing her cheek.

"It's okay, these are happy tears...... I love you Tom"

Toms face lit up again, as smiles appeared on both of there faces.

"And I love you (Y,N)"

Tom leant in and delicately placed his lips against (Y,N'S) as she happily responded. A smile formed on both of their lips as her hands tightly clung around his neck as his were firmly around her waist.

In this moment everything felt right.

Okay so that's my first imagine ever!!!  I am sure no one is reading this anyway but oh well.

I wrote this very quickly and I'm very paranoid that this is terrible, so sorry if it is!!


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