Competition - Peter Parker (requested)

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Okay so this was requested by @eyoricka . I think I may have gone off topic a bit, but I tried my best. Hope you enjoy ❤️

Sorry it's quite short. It took me ages as well ahahahha 😂

(Y,N) enthusiastically dropped her pen down on her desk, making everyone in the classroom clear that she had in fact finished her test paper before everyone else in the class ...

.... again.

Well 'everyone' meaning more specifically Peter. 

(Y,N) turned her head to the seat behind her to find the brown eyed boys eyes still located on his paper, as he frantically scribbles down his answers.

He looked up to find a smug smirk on his best friends face.

He immediately looked down to his paper again looking slightly frustrated as he quickly rushed the last answer, and smashed his pen down on the desk, to signal that he like (Y,N) has finished his test paper as well.

(Y,N) spun her head round to face the front again, with a wide grin on her face.

This was now the 6th time in a row that (Y,N) had finished her test before Peter, and she could most defiantly picture the frown on Peters face at the thought of him losing to her again.

(Y,N) and Peter have been best friend since childhood. They have grown up together and live in apartments opposite each other.

(Y,N) even had a dying secret that she would always want to keep as a secret, as if Peter found out, there was no doubt that he would freak out and there friendship would soon be over.

(Y,N) had a crush on Peter.

At least that's what she called it. Every now and again when she had her deep thinking sessions, she even questioned the thought that she may be in love with him?!?

However (Y,N) kept her anxiety ridden thoughts to herself, and instead focused on her study's, and more importantly coming first against Peter in every way possible.

(Y,N) and Peter were both know as the 'geeks' or 'nerds'. They were both very smart. Always having the top grades in there classes.

Through the years there shared intelligence had lead to constant competitions on getting the higher grade, or finishing the paper first.

By now the rest of the class had finally finished there papers too, followed by the bell signalling the end of another school day.

(Y,N) stood up from her seat, eager to get home, and get studying for next weeks test.

But more importantly get her mind off him.

You see due to the fact (Y,N) had recently thought up the idea she could be in love with him, and it no longer being a harmless crush, the small framed girl could not help but be constantly thinking about Peter.

It had lead her to become slightly more awkward around him, she only hoped he did not notice.

As she was fast walking down the hallway, with textbooks in hand, she heard footsteps behind her and a gentle hand placed against her shoulder.

"Hey (Y,N), can I still come over tonight ?"

(Y,N)'s eyes widened as she just remembered her plans with her best friend for tonight.

Tonight all students should be sent there end of term results, and (Y,N) had been dreading it, due to the fact that she had been so distracted while taking her recent exams.

(Y,N) sheepishly nodded her head to Peter, as he sent her a confused face, as to why she is avoiding talking or looking at him.

However before he got to question it, (Y,N) was already out the school doors, running to get home as quick as possible.

~ Time skip brought to you, by me being lazy ~

She couldn't believe it.

Tears flowed down her face as she tightly clutched her torn envelope in her hands, while sitting on her bedroom floor.

The lettered results displayed were the worst she had even received. She only barley passed a couple. And the rest made her feel nothing but ashamed.

After a good 20 minutes of constant crying, (Y,N) had come to know that the reason she was crying was not just about the results anymore.

It was about Peter.

She questioned whether it was due to Peter being able to boast about his amazing results. Or if it was to the fact that he had been a distraction to her, due to her recently accepting the love she felt for him.

A sudden knock at the door brought her out of her throats, and sent a shock through her body. With her mum and Dad still at work, she had no choice but to get up and out of her state to face who ever was on the other side.

(Y,N) shakily rose to her feet, with her torn envelope still in hand, as she made her way to the wooden apartment door.

She took a deep breathe and wiped some last tears, before opening the door.

On the other side stood the one she did not want too see at this moment.

"Hey (Y,N), you never came round so I thought I would just come here. So how were your resul-"

He suddenly stopped as he looked up to find his best friends eyes glossy with tears, and her face blotchy from where she had tried to wipe them away.

"Oh my gosh (Y,N), what happened? Are you okay? Oh gosh why are you crying" the boy rambled on.

The boys eyeline looked down to focus on the torn envelope in the small girls hand.

Before she could even look at him in the eyes, she was taken into a bone crushing hug.

(Y,N) immediately wrapped her arms around his neck, as she rested her head on his upper chest.

She breathed in his scent, which seemed to make her begin to cry more against him.

After a few minutes of peaceful silence, Peter spoke into her hair.

"Results don't define you as a person, it's okay, you will do better next time"

(Y,N) broke away from the tight embrace and looked down at her shoes.

"It's not just that Peter. I'm not crying about the bad grades ..... It's umm .. well it's because of the distraction that's lead me to the bad grades"

Peters eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

Without thinking (Y,N) spoke again.

"It's you Peter. Your the distraction."

(Y,N) kept her head down, before taking a deep breathe to continue.

"After all these years of friendship between me and you. And all these years of competition, I have come to realise that I think I'm... um .. I'm  in love with you???"

(Y,N)'s words came out as more of a question, which only added more embarrassment to the whole situation.

"I'm sorry that I have ruined everything Peter, but I feel you are the one who is getting me distracted and I can't help but feel ..."

She was cut off, when soft lips crashed agaist her own.

Her eyes clasped shut, as she was trying to register what was happening. 

It took her a few moments until she joined in on the kiss.

Her arms moved against his chest as his snaked around her waist.

There lips moved together perfectly. It was filled with passion and love.

Peter suddenly broke the kiss too soon and rested his forehead against  (Y,N)'s.

He took a deep breathe before saying

"I love you (Y,N) I always have. I guess all this competition has made me realise that too"

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