Hurting heart - Peter Parker

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So I decided to write a Peter Parker one!!! 😬
If you are reading this, then I would like to say THANKYOU for reading! 💓 However I'm almost certain that nobody is !!

(Y,N) sat in her room, thinkinp about the one person she didn't want in her mind.

Peter Parker.

Peter and (Y,N) had been close friends for a while now, and recently (Y,N) had come to realise she liked him more than a friend. Maybe even loved him?

She hated thinking about Peter because it only cause her pain and hurt.

1. Because he was SpiderMan and could get seriously hurt.

2. Because he had a crush on Liz and would never like (Y,N) back.

Being in love is not like in the movies. Being in love is painful. Being in love causes you to constantly think about how useless you are.

Being in love with Peter has caused (Y,N) to avoid the boy all together. She could not even manage to face him, without feeling a number of emotions.

(Y,N) sat in her room trying to focus her mind on her homework, and avoid any thought of Peter, when a sudden tap was heard at the window.

(Y,N)'s head turned towards the window too see a red and blue figure looking at her through the glass.

(Y,N)'s heart dropped. This is exactly the person she did not want too see right now.

Another knock was heard from the window followed by a "(Y,N), can you let me in please, i need help"

(Y,N) could not fight her head with her heart, so unconsciously, headed to her window and opened it, too come face to face to a very injured Peter.

(Y,N)'s face filled with concern as she helped her friend in to sit down on her bed.

(Y,N) motioned for the boy to be quiet, as she did not wish to wake her parents.

Peter nodded understanding.

She tip toed to her bathroom to grab a wet rag, and steriliser.

'Just focus on helping Peter' she thought too herself, while trying to get all other thoughts clear from her mind.

As she returned to her room, she found Peter with his suit down too his waist, revealing a cut across his chest.

(Y,N) found herself directing her gaze too anywhere but the boy in her room as she slowly edged towards him.

"What happened?" The small girl asked as she sat at the spot next too him and started to gently tend to his wound.

"Just normal spidey business" he winched with pain while she was applying steriliser to the wound.

(Y,N) mutter a quiet "sorry"

"If you think this is bad, you should have seen the other guy" the brown eyed boy laughed while trying to lighten the mood.

(Y,N) did not respond.

She could not even bare to look at the boy in the eyes. The closeness of their bodies making her feel uncomfortable.

(Y,N) seemed to find her hands of an extreme interest, as she felt his puppy dog eyes not moving from her face.

Peter noticed her silence and uncomfortable posture.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around in a while. What's going on with you?" He simply spoke


Tears started to brim at her eyes, as all her emotions and feeling towards Peter came out all at once.

Peter noticed this and gently pulled her into a hug, while worry and concern filled his features.

Without thinking (Y,N) wrapped her arms around his torso.

They both sat in each other's embrace in silence.

As much as she did not want to admit it, being in his arms always made her feel safe and secure. She took in his scent which seemed to calm her, as more sobs escaped from her mouth.

"Have I done something?" Peter mumbled into her hair, breaking the silence.

(Y,N) quickly broke away from the hug, realising she needed to use her head. She can't fall for this boy anymore. She needed to get over him.

"I'm fine Peter. Just.. just leave me alone"

Peter sent a very confused look towards his friend, as too why her mood changed so quickly.

She stood up and walked to the other side of her room. Trying to get as far away as possible.

She felt panic rush over her as she felt Peter's eyes locked on her small form.

"(Y,N)" Peter stood up. "You have been avoiding me for a week now. It make me feel like utter shit. I thought we were friends, and now you are just ignoring me? Your mood is always changing so quickly. What's going on? Your worrying me" Peter calmly spoke.

"It's nothing Peter" she quietly spoke.

"Nothing??? It's not nothing (Y,N). I'm sick of this attitude of yours. Can't you see that I'm trying to care for you, but you keep pushing me away. I want to be here for you (Y,N), if you would only let me. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel when you push me away like that? Your just too selfish too think about others aren't you? Your life is so easy compared to mine. Yet you make it seem so dam hard" Peter spoke bitterly.

Hot tears quickly rolled down (Y,N)'s cheeks, as she looked up at the boy.

"You know what Peter. I'm sorry... I'm sorry I've been avoiding you. I'm sorry for pushing you away. I would never want too hurt you. I really do care for you. But don't you dare tell me that my life is easy... Okay so I may not be 'SpiderMan' like you. I may not have a city depending on me. But that does not mean I have not been struggling too. The truth is that it's you Peter. It's always been you. I have been Struggling because of you. All you do is look a Liz, talk about Liz. It's all Liz Liz Liz. Do you know how that makes me feel? Your too blind to even notice me anymore. You have been making me feel so useless, and so alone. The only reason I have been avoiding you is because I don't want to fall for you anymore than I already have ........ because it hurts so so much. I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for being a burden. I'm sorry for crying in front of you. But mostly I'm sorry for falling in love with you"

(Y,N)'s eyeline was focused on her hands as the reality of what she just said hit her.

The room was silent. Neither of them knowing what too say.

Peter slowly edged his way towards the heart broken girl, still not knowing what the right thing to say was.

"Y-you love me??" Peter stood their in utter shock. "(Y,N)....."

"No don't say anything Peter. I understand you don't feel the same it's fine. I'm sor - "

She was cut off when Peter crashed his lips onto hers.

After a few seconds of shock from his actions, (Y,N) happily joined in by moved her lips against his. She reached up, to wrap her arms around his neck, playing with his baby hairs. While he had one hand caressing her cheek while the other sat securely around her waist.

The kiss felt right. More than right it felt perfect. Perfectly right. They were both lost in the moment, that the nearly forgot that they would be needing oxygen soon.

As they both pulled back. They looked as each other longingly.

"I love you (Y,N), I always have, and I always will"

(Y,N) looked at the boy lovingly, with shock till rushing over her, as she wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him into a tight hug.

Everything was just perfect.

A/N - okay I feel like all these imagines are all so similar too each other. Any requests or ideas?? I will be happy to try my best.

Also if you are reading this. Then wow!! I actually have a reader 😂

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