Chapter 28 ~ Johnny

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I'm coming out the boys locker room when I see a girl come running out of the girls locker room, crying I think. She has long brown hair, and she's wearing black Adidas sports stuff. I didn't see her face, but I know it's Mackenzie.

Lauren and Brynn come rushing behind her, and I stopped them.

"What's going on, why's Mackenzie running away crying?" I inquire anxiously.

"Oh I don't know, maybe 'cause you cheated on her with none other than Nadia Turner? And made her cut a big slash down her stomach!" Brynn yells.

My heart drops to my stomach and I think I'm going to puke. Nadia's the cheat, not me. I'd never hurt Mackenzie, and I know that slash was from her mother!

"Brynn please, calm down!" Lauren cries, "Nadia is obviously making this shit up!"

"Em excuse me?" Nadia says strutting over to us, "It's not lies is it Johnny?"

I'm about to protest but Nadia pushes forward towards me and connects her lips to mine. It's disgusting.

I push her off of me, and start to rage.

"What the fuck Nadia?!" I scream, "I love Mackenzie a million times more than I ever loved you! I would never cheat because I know how much it hurts to get cheated on, thanks to you! And Mackenzie doesn't hurt herself, that cut in her stomach was when she was in an accident! So to clarify, I'm not the cheating, bullying scum, you are!"

Nadia is speechless.

I run out the gym and run and run and run. I send Mackenzie text after text after text, no replies.

I'm walking down the high street, when I see a beautiful brunette, sitting alone in Starbucks, eyes puffy and red.

"Mackenzie," I cry upon entering.

"Johnny," she says, her voice raspy, "I'm sorry, if you still liked Nadia, you could of just told me,"

"But Mackenz-" I get interrupted by her phone buzzing, and I sigh when I see her lock screen. It's a picture of us facing the sea, holding hands. We're looking at the sunset on the beach, that was a great night.

I see the notification is from Brynn, sending Kenz a video.

It was a video of me screaming at Nadia.

I see Kenzie tear up again, and kills me inside. I love her so much, and I only want to see her beautiful smile, it lights up the room.

"Who do I believe?" She mumbles.

"Well, either your deadly enemy of a bitch, or your best friends and boyfriend," I joke, trying to make her smile, but she just sighs.

"I'm sorry," she says coming towards me and embracing me in a hug.

"I love you, don't anyone tell you I don't," I whisper softly into her neck, running my hands through her hair.

"I love you too Johnny," she whispers. I can't see her face as it's buried in my chest, but I can feel her smile.

"Wanna ditch? Go back to Carson's and have a Riverdale marathon?" I ask, hoping she says yes.

"You know me too well," she says as we break away from the hug. I lace my fingers with hers and we leave the small corner coffee shop. I hear a few "awh"s from some of the workers.

As we walk to Carson's, hand in hand, Kenz apologies over and over again, and I tell her it's fine but I think it's just her anxiety getting her worked up.

We arrive and rush upstairs to our room, and I grab my pyjamas. Kenzie gets hers as well and we both get changed.

I come out the bathroom and find Kenzie cuddled under the duvet, fiddling with the settings trying to get Netflix to work.

"Here," I say, climbing under the covers with her.

She passed me the laptop and I press a few buttons, then Riverdale flashes up on the screen.

"Fixed it," I say, a smug smile plastered on my face.

"You're cute," she blushes.

"You're cuter," I reply, as she snuggles into my and I stroke her hair.

"Impossible," she whispers into my chest.

We watch a couple episodes, and I glance over to find Kenzie asleep on my shoulder.

She's just adorable.

I love the little things about her, like the fact if she's walking down the street and she sees a puppy she just has to pet it, it's a instinct.

And the way the she giggles when you tickle her under the chin.

The fact she can't go one month without getting holes in the toes of her socks.

The story of how she cut her pinky on a broken Nutella jar when she was 8 and still has the scar. If you want to know, she dropped the jar, and it smashed, but she still wanted the tiny smudges of Nutella at the bottom. So she stuck her pinky in and cut it. Round of applause for the smartest girl ever.

I love everything about her, and I'll never let her go.

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