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- just the thought -
- of you can -
- drive me crazy -


"How was your day at school?" My mother questioned as Clary and I walked through the door.

"It was fine," I lie. School was horrible, it's bad enough going to school on your birthday, but it's so much worse when your cooler, smarter, funnier, better-in-everyway twin sister goes to school with you. All day I had to listen to people saying, 'Happy birthday Clary! Oh, and you too - uhmm - Clary's sister.' I mean, I've gone to school with these people my whole life and they only know me as, 'Clary's sister'. But I guess that's what I get for being a loser. "I'm going to go take a nap."

"Wait! I have to give you two something," Our mom said, grabbing something from the kitchen counter. She held out a box and opened it to reveal two small sticks with strange markings on them and clear tips. I have never seen anything like them in my life. "As you can see, I have one for each of you. They are important, so keep them very safe."

"Thanks Mom, but what exactly are they?" Clary asks picking one up and rolling it in her hands, studying it curiously, obviously just as confused as I am. "Some kind of family heirloom?"

"I guess you could say that," My mom replied, anxiously. "Here, let's sit down. I need to explain a few things to you."

"Mom, thank you so much for the heirloom and everything, but we need to go get ready to watch Simon play tonight." Clary said, as she checked the time. My heart started beating faster; just thinking about Simon made me feel crazy. Clary's voice rang out as she started to run up the stairs, "Love you Mom! Come on Aaliyah, we need to get ready! Simon will be here soon."

I heard my mom sigh as I reluctantly walked up the stairs after Clary. I hated going out, because it means that I was gonna to see people. I hate being around people. I also hated deciding what to where so I kept on my black skinny jeans and converse, but I did change my shirt. I remember Clary said something about goimg out afterwards so I searched through my closet trying to fimd something that may catch Simon's eye. I finally settled on a deep red velvet crop top, to be honest I didn't even know I had it. Next I pulled my hair back into a sideways French braid and turned to open the door.

"JESUS!" I yelled as my door opened before I could turn the knob.

"Nope, just me." Simon said, as I steadied myself on my dresser. I felt my face heating up, "Clary told me to come get you, we are leaving now."

"Did she also say to give me a heart attack while your at it?" I joke, still catching my breath. Not gonna lie, that scared me.

"Nope, that was all my idea." He said, and he started to ramble. He was so cute when he rambled, "I mean, it wasn't my idea. It was an accident. But it was all me, nobody put me up to it, it just happened an--"

"It's okay," I laughed, cutting him off. "Why is he so adorable?"

Did I say that out loud?

"Why is who so adorable?"


"Um, Mozart." I internally slap myself as I point to the picture on my dresser, "I'm into old dudes."

I internally slap myself again.

"Well, everybody has there types." He says awkwardly. "We should probably go now, Clary's waiting."

I nod, I can feel my face heating up again. Why did I embarrass myself so badly? And why did I even have a picture of Mozart? Ugh, tonight was going to be so awkward.

"Hey, what took you so long?" Clary asked us once we got downstairs; slightly annoyed. "Were you guys confessing your love to one another or something?"

"I'm not really her type," Simon said, following Clary out the door.Oh how wrong he was. "She's into older men."

I could already tell tonight was going to be very long, and extremely painful, and not just because I'm clumsy. I wave to my mom as I start to walk out the door. I glance back inside longingly, I wish I could back out of this now.


A/N- I hope you are enjoying the story so far! (Even though there has only been two chapters and basically no reads..) Also, sorry for my bad sense of humor.

Daylighter 《s.l》- discontinuedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora