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- I think that you are the one for me -
- cause it gets so hard to breathe -
- when you're looking at me -


We were standing outside of a club called Pandemonium waiting to get in. I was extremely nervous that we'd get turned away, our fake I.D.'s sucked. As we inched closer and closer to the front my heart started to beat faster, this was the first time I've broken the rules majorly. If my mother found out she would ground us for life.

"Do you think we should be doing this?" I ask Clary softly, so nobody else could hear. I really didn't wanna get into trouble. I hold up my fake I.D and sigh, "These things actually suck. Who's gonna believe I'm a 26 year old named 'Jessamine Lovelace?' I mean, what kind of name is that?"

"Shut up, we'll be fine." Clary answered, stubbornly. We shuffled forward, we were almost at the front of the line. Finally. "And the bouncer probably won't even glance at the name."

"Clary's right," Simon agreed, "They probably won't care. Anyways, you could probably flirt your way in, the bouncer looks your type - old."

I rolled my eyes and said, "I'm sorry, I just don't like breaking the rules."

"Hey! It's your birthday Aaliyah, live a little!" Simon exclaimed, looking up at me, smiling. I feel my breath get caught in my through; it gets hard to breathe when he looks at me. Simon reached his arm up and reached passed me."Hey! We're next!"

"I.D please." Huffed the bouncer. Simon was right, he was old. His hair was speckled with grey and white, and he had a major dad bod. He cleared his throat and cocked an eyebrow at me. I hurriedly reach my arm out to show my fake I.D. He jerked his head in the direction of the entrance, barely glancing at the our cards. I almost jumped as he yelled out in a gruff voice,"Next!"

The club was very... different to the places I usually went. There were people dancing, and drinking mysterious looking liquids. I shift from foot to foot awkwardly, waiting for Simon or Clary to do something. I'm about to offer to go get some drinks when I see a blue haired guy running through the club, it looked like he was running from three people covered in tattoos. One was a blonde haired boy who looked around my age, the other boy had black hair and blue eyes. There was also a girl with them. She was very attractive I might add. I tap Clary, and point her in the direction of what I saw. She looks just as confused as me.

"Simon, go get us some drinks. Me and Aaliyah are gonna go dance!" Clary said. Simon nodded and left to get some drinks. Clary grabbed my hand and pulled me behind her, towards where we saw the our haired boy run to. I pull open a small gap of the curtain hiding the ordeal. I gasp once I see what's going on. One of the people covered in tattoos pulled out this blade and it started glowing, he advanced onto the boy plunging the blade into him. I have got to be imagining this. Beside me I hear Clary scream, nope, I was not imagining this. The people around us don't seem to notice what happened, but the blonde boy looked at Clary and I; panicked it seemed. He walked over to us, Clary screamed again and grabbed me, pulling me away from him.

"Simon. We have to go. I'm Pretty sure I just witnessed a murder." Clary said, grabbing Simon with her other hand.


When we got home, I ran through the door to my mother. I needed her to give me answers.

"Mom. We need to talk about something." I say, grabbing her arm. She looks at me weirdly, but nods. I sense Clary walking up beside me. I start going into detail about the night, leaving out the part of the fake I.D, of course. "The people who came in were covered in markings. The same ones on the gifts you gave us!"

"Girls, I need to explain to you what's going on." I nod, urging her to go on. I know Clary would be just as eager for answers. My mom started to talk, but was abruptly interrupted by Dot barging in.

"Jocelyn!" She shouted, she seemed worried and very out of breath. "They found you!"

"Mom?" I ask, "who found you?"

"We have no time to explain." She said, nodding at Dot. "Now, where's Luke?"

"The station?" Clary asked, just as confused as I was.

"Good, think of him and go through this portal!" My mom said as Dot swiftly moved her arms, creating a 'portal' as my mom called it. She pushed Clary and I through, my mind was racing, but I managed to stay focused on the police station.

What the hell was going on in my life?


A/N-Sorry if this was confusing, I'm obviously not as talented as Cassandra Clare at writing. Once again, not every detail will be exact, but I am seriously trying!

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