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- cause I like you -
- but -
- that's not enough -

Java Jones was packed once we got there. Simon left to go set up for his gig; Clary and I weaved our way through the crowd to get a spot in the front. As I turned to talk to Clary, I felt somebody bump into me. It was Eric, Simon's friend and bandmate.

"Hey, I didn't know you were gonna be here." He smiled at me. I fake smiled back.

"Clary wanted me to come." I answer sharply. "Shouldn't you be helping set up?"

"Nah, they got it." I nod and turn away from him, poking Clary in the shoulder to get her attention. I was gonna ask her something but was interrupted by Eric again, "Hey, would you like to hang out sometime?"

"Maybe," I lie, I did not want to hang out with him. He always tried to get with Clary, but she always turned him down. Now he was probably just moving on to me because I looked like her. Clary finally turned around and I shot her a look that said, save me. She giggled and got up to get some coffee. "I'm pretty busy, with homework and such."

"Oh," Eric looked disappointed. "Well, I'd better get on stage."

I nod, thankful he had finally left. Clary gave me an apologetic smile as she returned with two coffees; one for me and one for herself. I smiled and took my coffee, I took a sip and smiled. It was my favourite order. Black, like my soul. I open my mouth to thank her, but I'm interrupted by Simon's voice.

"Hey, we are Sexist Pigs." I did all that I could not to giggle, Simon's band was always changing it's name, but this one has to be the funniest, aside from 'Dangerous Stain' and 'Furious Mole' of course. I say it's Simon's band, but there are three other members. There is Eric, who plays the drums, Kirk, who is the lead singer, and Matt who plays guitar. Simon is the bassist, but he does secretly have a great voice. "I hope you enjoy our set we have for you!"


After Simon's band played, we waited around Java Jones until everything was cleaned up and Simon was ready to go. Clary and I talked to Kate, Matt's girlfriend, for awhile. It was still pretty busy inside, so I excuse myself from the conversation and walk outside to the back alley to get some air.

I take a deep breath once I get outside and lean on the band's van, which was conveniently parked right by the door. I put my head into my hands and think about the night so far. During the show I couldn't help but notice Simon staring at Clary the way I've wished for him to look at me; lust in his eyes. I couldn't help but feel heartbroken, i know he didn't know I liked him, but it still hurt. It didn't matter bow much I liked him, it would never be enough.

"Hey, can I join you? It's pretty hectic in there still, and Eric is doing some poetry reading." It was the voice of the person who I wanted to see the least at the moment. Simon. I nod, even though I don't want to. He walked over and leaned on the van next to me."Are you okay? You've been crying."

I reach up to touch my face. He was right. I hadn't even noticed the tears fall from my eyes. Why was I always at my worst when he was around? I open my mouth and manages to choke out,"I'm fine. Nothing to worry about."

"Hey, you can talk to me Aaliyah." Simon urged, brushing some of the stray hairs that were stuck to my face away. I felt my self to turn red again, he didn't know how much every little thing he did drove me crazy. "Was our show really that bad? I mean Clary told me it was good, but we're best friends so she probably lied."

"No, it was great." I reply cooly, I couldn't help but feel jealous of Clary. She was perfect, and I was nothing. I was trying hard not to breakdown and spill everything on my mind. He looked at me and I almost got lost in his beautiful brown eyes. But I snapped out of it and manage to say," just girl problems."

"I don't believe you, but it seems like you don't want to be bothered." He said, standing up straight. "We'd better get back inside, Clary wants us to go to some club with her. Not really sure how we'll get in but oh well." I nod and follow him back inside. He turns to me and adds, "I like Mozart too, you know."

I felt a smile stretch across my face as I followed him inside.


A/N- I know not everything is the same as the books/show, but I'm trying my hardest to get the details right, and I haven't read the books in a while.

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