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Okay, so I found this Valentine's card thing and it doesn't relate to the story, but I found it hilarious so...

Simon's POV

"Will she be okay?" I ask Luke as he locks the storage container door. He turns to me and nods, I detected an emotion on his face, it looked almost like..guilt. "Hey, Luke. You Okay?"

"I should've never let her go on her own." He said as he put his hands behind his head, pacing back and forth. "We were just talking about werewolf attacks. Why am I so stupid!"

"Luke, you didn't know this was going to happen," I try to comfort him, it didn't seem to be working. He kept pacing. He was worried about Aaliyah, but to be honest, so was I."She could've been worse off! I mean, she could have been killed!"

"That doesn't make me feel better, Simon."

"No! I just meant that becoming a werewolf is better than dying, right?" I clarify, peering over at Luke. My eyes shift from Luke the storage container. There was a cry of pain; the change must have started. I look over at Luke again, and see him tense up. He always told me that the first change was the worst. I decide to try to comfort him once more by adding, "Remember Bat? He was fine, after he changed. Right? You were fine too, you learned how to control it. Aaliyah is strong, I'm sure she'll get through this."

"You're right, Simon. I just feel so bad, nobody deserves to have this happen to them. Especially Aaliyah." Our conversation is interrupted by banging coming from the large storage container in front of us. I hear the sound of scraping metal and growling. "Simon, why don't you go to sleep. I'll watch over her, in case anything happens."

"Okay." I say, nodding at Luke before I walk back to my current living space outside of the Jade Wolf. I decide to text Clary, after all Aaliyah was her sister, but my phone's dead, so I decide to try to sleep. For some reason I can't. I just kept worrying about Aaliyah. Do werewolves always survive the first change? What if she lost too much blood when she was attacked? I don't know why these thoughts were going through my mind, when Maia and I found Bat, he turned out fine. I guess I was just worrying because I am closer to Aaliyah, after all she is my best friends sister. Aaliyah will be fine, I think to myself, she is strong.  I repeat these words to myself a couple of times, and slowly I drift off to sleep.


Aaliyah's POV

My hand starts to shake as I raise it to knock on the warehouse door. I hesitate before knocking, not entirely sure of what I was doing. I came here to thank Simon for helping me out last night after the attack. Just as I was about to lower my hand and retreat, the door slides open and I see Clary walking out; her lips were tight and her eyebrows were furrowed as she stepped outside. Her face softened as she seen me and relief spread across her face. She reached out to me, wrapping her arms around to embrace me. My guess was that Simon told her what happened the night prior, I silently thank him as I wrap my arms around Clary.

"Everybody at the institute is worried sick! Especially Alec," Clary said as she pulled back. Alec and I had a rocky start when I first arrived at the institute, but as time went on, we became closer. Other than Clary, of course, he was my closest friend at the institute. I saw Clary's face darken as she continued, "He got extremely worried when you didn't text any of us back or answer you're phone. He wanted to send out a search party last night, but I stopped him. I told him that everything was probably fine, and that you were just having a good time with Luke or Maia. I should have agreed, I'm sorry."

"Clary, it's okay. It's my own fault for walking back at night alone. I should have asked Luke to come with me; I should have known what was going to happen." I confess to Clary, looking down. I look up past her and my face meets Simon's, our eyes connect for a moment, then I look away, I can feel my face start to flush. "Anyways, I came here to thank Simon for bringing me back here after the attack. If it weren't for him, I'd probably have hurt somebody or done something terrible."

"Well, I went just going to leave you there, lying in the street, covered in blood, now was I?" He said, I giggle and shook my head slightly and look down at my shirt. It was caked with blood and dirt and was tattered. I open my mouth to ask Simon to borrow a shirt of his, but it's like he read my mind. "Uhm, do you want to maybe borrow a shirt? I don't think you should wander the streets looking like that, the Mundanes might start to worry."

"She can just cast a glamour, we need to get back." Clary said, impatiently checking the time."we need you to tell us which wolf did it, so we can put a stop to this."

"Well, Clary. We have a slight problem with that." I say nervously, as I scratch the back of my head. "I'm not really able to do that anymore, as I am now a werewolf."

"Right," Clary says feebly. "Yeah, go change. But be quick."

I nod, as I walk into the warehouse, intentionally trying to avoid Simon. I walk over to his dresser that he has in the corner and start looking through his clothing, trying to find something that will cover everything, if you know what I mean. I am a lot smaller than Simon, so it's not that difficult. I spot my favourite shirt of Simon's. It was a grey v-neck t-shirt that had the words 'made in Brooklyn' across the front. I pull it on and give myself a once over in the mirror. It's long enough to cover everything and so I decide that this will be fine, I mean nobody's gonna expect me to look perfect after being attacked by a werewolf. I walk out of the warehouse to join Clary and Simon again. Both Clary and Simon's eyes widen at the sight of me, for different reasons I assume.

"Could you be wearing any less clothes?" Clary asks angrily, she was going into full protective sister mode. I shrug and start to walk,"Hey! I'm talking to you!"

"Well I'm sorry!" I say, slightly annoyed, turning back to her."Would you rather me wear my blood cake clothing?"

"Well if it'll keep you from looking like a tramp!"

"Fine I'll get something else on!" I shout as I walk back in and grab a flannel and the it sound myself. I notice Simon standing behind me in the mirror, I turn to him and say,"are you gonna tell me to put on more clothes too?"

"Um, no I was gonna say you..um, that...You can keep that shirt, it looks better on you than it did on me." He said. I shake my head slightly and think, he's just saying that because you are nearly half naked. But I secretly hope I'm wrong. I starting to walk out to join Clary again when I hear him mumble,"And for the record, you don't look like a tramp. I think you look great."

I keep walking, pretending that I didn't hear him. My stomach was doing somersaults the whole way to the institute.


A/N- I wrote this extremely late at night so bear with me  if it's horrible aha. Also I'm gonna be gone for like two weeks so sorry :3

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