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- i'm scared of what -
- you'll say -
- so i'm hiding what -
- I'm feeling -


My head was spinning, in the span of 24 hours my life was being flipped upside down. I was trying to wrap my head around what was going on that I almost forgot that I was just shoved through a portal that transferred me to the police station. I look to my side and see Clary there, looking and exasperated as me. We sit in silence for a moment until we here voices drifting up to us. It was Luke, and two other voices that I didn't recognize.

"Jocelyn and the girls? They mean nothing to me." I heard Luke say, I frowned. That's not the Luke I know. He loves my mother, I know he does. He looks at her the way that...that Simon looks at Clary. I heard Clary gasp beside me.

"We need to go," Clary said, she was starting to tear up. She got to her feet and started to walk towards the exit. I stood up, but didn't follow. There had to be more than this to it. Clary turned around and motioned for me to follow, I shook my head. "Aaliyah, come with me. We can't trust Luke anymore."

"You are jumping to conclusions! Maybe something is up, everything has been so weird lately, maybe we need to talk to Luke? He will help us!" I try to argue, but Clary isn't having any of it. 

"You heard him! He doesn't care about us! He's not gonna help, don't be stupid Aaliyah." Clary spat at me. We hardly fought, but when we did, it always made me sad. I hated it. "Now, are you coming or not?" 

I shook my head, I was going to get to the bottom of what the hell was going on, with or without Clary's help. She sighed and turned away, and then I was standing alone in the police station. I stood in silence for a while, planning what I was going to say to Luke, when I saw a familiar face; my mother. I ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her, I started to tell her what was happening when I was interrupted.

"Did I ever mention a cup to you?" My mother asked me. Weird question, I think to myself, but shook my head in confusing. "Like a special cup? Please help me remember, I need your help!"

"I don't know!" I say, still extremely confused. "Mom, what's going on?"

"If you don't give me the information I need, I'll need to kill you."

"MOVE!" I hear an unfamiliar voice call to me. Confused, even more so, I do as I am told. Almost instantly afterwards, an arrow is flying by my head directly into my mother. I scream as my mother crumples to the floor. A few seconds later, she is replaced with a man covered in markings. I turn to look behind me and see one of the boys from the other day, the black haired one with the blue eyes. Instantly I feel thankful, although I still have no idea what's going on. I stare blankly at him as he moves closer to me, I somehow manage to spit out, "Tell me.. the hell.. going on?"

"You're welcome for saving your life. That wasn't your mother-" NO SHIT SHERLOCK!"-It was a circle member, one of Valentines followers." He obviously saw my puzzled look and elaborated, "Valentine Morgernstern is a bad person. He wants to harm downworlders, which are half human and half demon. You, are Jocelyn Fairchild's child, right?"

"Fairchild?" I ask, Jocelyn was my mothers name, but I've never heard the name Fairchild. "My last name is Fray, but my mother is named Jocelyn."

"How does Jocelyn Fairchild's child not know a thing about the shadow world?" He asks, to nobody in particular. "By the way, I'm Alec Lightwood. You should probably come with me, I don't want you to be attacked again."

"How can I trust you? I don't know you." I question, stubbornly. I am slightly weirded out by how this guy, Alec, knows so much about me. And, what the heck is this shadow world? "How do I know you aren't gonna shoot me like that guy?"

"If I was gonna shoot you, I'd have already done it. K
Now are you coming with me?" He asked, I guess he had a point. Still weary, I nod and start to follow him. I stop, and gasp. He turned to me, looking slightly annoyed, "What!?"

"Clary! I don't know where she went! If these circle people came after me, they probably have her too! What if she's hurt? We need to find her!" I say, worriedly, "This is all my fault, what if they kill her? Where's my mom, do they have her. What is going on?"

"You're mother will be fine, Valenetine wouldn't hurt her. She is also a shadowhunter, so she can handle herself. As for Clary," He paused, thinking, "Jace will probably find her."

"Who's Jace?" I ask, impatiently. "And what's a shadowhunter?"

He sighed, "You really don't know anything, do you? I'll answer all your questions at the institute."

I nod, trying my best to stop asking him questions, as he already seemed annoyed at me. As we walked together, I started to think about my mother, and my birthday. And Simon. I stopped, and Alec turned to me again, "What now!?"

"Oh, nothing. I My mom got me this and I want to know what it is," I say as I pull out the heirloom my mom gave to me, "Does it have anything to do with the shadow world?"

All I remember is him nodding, then shoving me, and then extreme pain. Then everything went black.

Daylighter 《s.l》- discontinuedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang