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I feel dead. My whole body was shut down. I was super tired. Someone was calling me but I just let my phone ring and tried going back to sleep and before I knew it, I was gone after the second ring


I felt a hand shaking my body and I open my eyes seeing my mother, "honey it's 3 in the afternoon"

"Oh shit" I say and rub my eyes yawning

My dad walks in and he stands against the door. I sit up knowing they were going to talk to me. There was an awkward silence in the room. Behind my dad were the stairs, and on the stairs there were bags and suitcases.

I look at them and my mom starts crying while my dad looks at the ground playing with his wedding ring. He pulls it off and puts it slowly on my dresser.

"Me and your mother are getting a divorce, there I said it" my dad finally says. I just look at them, no tears or anything, I mean my heart felt empty but I didn't cry

"This has nothing to do with you sweetie, we want you to know it's not your fault. None of it is. We just, aren't happy"

I nod slowly, I couldn't think this was really happening. "So what are you guys going to do? We moved here thinking it'll help but look what happened-"

"I'm moving out, I'm going back home. This isn't home anymore" my mom gets up kisses my head, grabs the ring and walks past my dad. She grabbed everything from the stairs and all I heard was a door slam

I look at my door and felt something hot, stinging-like, going doing my face. It was my tears, they finally came

My dad came and sat down by me. "I'm so sorry for disappointing you"

I looked at him, "I knew you weren't happy dad"

He furrows his eyebrows and begins crying. I didn't know which was worse, my dad crying and really hearing him cry or my parents divorcing. This sucks

My phone started ringing again and my dad wipes his tears. "I'll let you answer that," he sighs, "uhm I think Ima go hit up a bar ok"

I nod and watch him shut my door behind him. I grab my phone, it was that Bobby kid

"Hey!" He said all happily

"Oh hey." I say low and sniffle a little

"You wanna skate today?" I awkwardly laugh through the phone

"Y-yah sure, pick me up?"

"Send me that addy gurl" I hang up and quickly text him my address and decide to get up

I wore my yellow camo pants and my green and yellow striped shirt with my old shoes that I had drawn on all over them

I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a messy bun

I grabbed my pack back along w my journal and pencil and my board. I go outside waiting for Bobby to pick me up. As I wait I draw in my journal. I started sketching first, started at the jaw line and made it sharp, really sharp.

I started doing the hair and making it kinda messy and put a little more detail in it


I got into my drawing so much that I stopped being messy. I forgot everything that was around me, all the car honks didn't ring through my ears. All I heard and felt, was my pencil and the paper and the eraser falling off my lap.

My focus was interrupted by a car that I didn't realize was in front of me honk really loud

I look up and saw Bobby. I laugh embarrassed and got into his car while putting my board in the back seat

"Cool pants dude" he said

"Aha thanks" I said putting my journal in my backpack

Bobby turned the radio up and the song was by taylor swift. 'You gotta be kidding' I thought to myself

"If we're goin to be hanging out and driving around in your car, I get the aux cord" I said smiling and unplugged his phone

"Hey taylor swift is an angel! You- you just cut her off!"

I roll my eyes laughing, "anyway here's some real music.." I put on an oldie called "Beamer, benz, or Bentley" by Lloyd banks

When I put it on Bobby smiled really big and scratched the side of his head

"IM FRESH IM FLY IM SO DAMN HIGH" we both same at the same time


After what felt like forever of us singing and dancing to my playlist, we were at a skate park

"This is so dope man!" I said looking out the window while Bobby was parking

Good way to get my mind off things, just for awhile. And than back to how my worlds slowly falling apart

"Yea Kian and Jc, my friends, they sometimes ride their long boards around here" I continue looking out the window

This was like heaven

he finally parks and I grab my board instantly and i see Bobby getting his camera

"hey guys Bobby here and I'm with, CHRISTINE! woohooooo" he said and pointed the camera at me while I started doing light skin faces. Like touching my face a lot and bitting my lip and squinting my eyes

We both started laughing

"Duuummmbbb ahahaha! Alright guys Christine is a pro skater alright-"

"Oh shut up"

"She's so good guys that I took her to a skate park and I'm about to get some clips, so enjoy! Someone sponsor her!"

I look at him as he records himself. You know Bobby isn't bad looking either. But I just don't see me and him ever being a thing ya know? Maybe its just me but I don't know

He shuts his camera and looks at me, "well, go skate. That board ain't gon move itself" I smile at him

"Where do you even live?" I asked before I went off

"Down the street, we could forreal just walk- I mean skate there" I nod my head at him and went down in the skating bowls

I look over my shoulder and see Bobby trying to get good angles of me. This ain't too bad

Besitos // Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now