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Watching Christine finally go to sleep, i never realized how beautiful she really was. She had bags and some mascara that she didnt get off from under her eyes all the way but she was still beautiful. She had a lil acne but it was cute to me, i liked- no loved how natural she was. She had some hair growing under eyebrows but i liked em. Her lips a lil chapped but still kissable, i mean i'd still kiss her

We were still holding hands and i brought her hand closer to me and moved closer to her, to make her feel more safe

The corner of her lips raised, she smiled a little in her sleep while i moved closer. God it made my heart flutter

i started looking at her hand while rubbing my thumb around in circles. i noticed her bracelets that were mostly all colorful and band ones. Something caught my eye while i was looking at this really light baby blue one though

it was braided and there were red spots on the bracelet, even on the pink one, and yellow one which showed up as bright red. While raising my head to look more and closer, there was a lil gap of bracelets that were apart, and I noticed she had some cuts on her wrist

they looked fresh though, and of course i would know because i did self harm too, she cut herself..

i felt a huge lump in my throat and it broke my heart more than just seeing her cry

i wanted to wake her up and ask her why, but i shouldnt. She needs sleep, she needs help too

i will wait until tomorrow to let her know what i saw. i looked back at Christine and she was knocked out. Her mouth was a little bit open and she was still breathing

i let go of her hand and moved some of her bracelets out of the way to kiss her cuts. After leaving a couple pecks, some of her dried blood ended up on my lips. I wiped it off with my other hand and felt a hot stingy feeling, come to my eyes. My eyes were getting watery

i put her bracelets back up and held her hand again. I fell asleep holding this broken girls hand, but trust me im going to help her, fix her, and get her happy again

Besitos // Kian LawleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora