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/kian\ *nightmare; dreaming right now. Kian is traumatized basically. He keeps seeing what happened to christine. A/N i also felt like u guys should know more or i should of put more information towards her death/ talked about what happened in detail instead of putting one sentence*

I picked christine up as the boys all ran to us. I bent down to pick her up bridal style. Her eyes closed. I jogged to the car. "Fuck" i cried

We were in the car and her legs were on coreys lap and he was just looking at her. I looked down at her wrist and arms. "Oh my god" i wined

"Jc hurry!" I cried out. "Im so sorry please wake up christine, come on wake up" i said looking at her

I felt her chest seeing if i could feel a heart beat. It was there but it was barley beating. "S-shes dying jc!" I was looking up and i saw Corey crying. Jc had tears in his eyes, his face red. And bobby had his face in his hands

We were all heartbroken.

We finally were at the hospital. Jc opened my door and corey helped with her legs making sure the door wouldnt crush them. We ran instead

"Doctor! We need a doctor" a man ran to us and looked at her.

"We need staff. Give me her son, we can take it from here"

"No no no no im not going to leave her" i said and jc came to me. "Kian man they got this"

"Young man youve done enough you helped already, you brought her to us and now its our job to help her" the lady said grabbing my arm to let go. They brought a stretcher and i laid her down. I kissed her hand before they took her away

They put her hand on her side. But her arm went down, dangling from the stretcher. They were running for a room. Jc grabbed me and hugged me tight. I turned around crying

"J-j-jc shes gone man shes gone" i said

"Shh come on dont talk like that. Lets just go go sit down" i walked with jc and sat between him and bobby. This sucked this really sucked.

"Shes gonna be alright man. Shes a fighter"

"Ya Jc's right" bobby said

"Guys i really cant loose her. I dont care if we barley started dating, i dont care if she barley had feelings for me, i dont care about mine and her relationship. I need her in my life. Shes not leaving. She cant leave. She cant go away. I dont want her to leave. I cant, it cant happen"

"Kian she was depressed-"

"We should of helped her. God we're awful people"

"But do you think she wanted help? You cant help someone who doesnt want it. And who knows what if we did get her help, and she just didnt like it. She didnt see the point in it. Like maybe it wasnt helping her. The only thing we could of done and that we did do, was support her one hundred. We gave her a place to stay, food, clothes. We were there for her man. And we tried. And im sure she was happy with us trying"

"I guess youre right."

"Trying, is the number one thing that anyone could ask for. And man he did do that thing. You cant sit here and say we didnt try for her because boy we fucking did. You can be sad all you want but remember, we did everything we could. And im not saying its her fault or yours, but we did try. She tried too. I know she did, and she just snapped. Theres only so much that a person can take. People snap all the time. Its normal. Its okay. Kian, man its okay"


I fell asleep on that chair. My head laying on jcs shoulder. The doctor finally came out. "Mr. Lawley"

I stood up, "you guys can go see her now" i smiled. Joy over came my body. We all went to her room. She looked at us.

"Hi" she said weakly

"Hey baby" i said and sat down by her. I kissed her lips softly. She kissed me back. "Im so happy youre okay"

She gave me a weak smile

"Hey you" bobby said and touched her nose. She smiled

"Hey guys" she finally said once everyone was here

"We were all so worried" i said holding her hand. "We're all so glad youre okay now. We love you. I love you"

"I love you guys too. I love you most kian" she was having trouble breathing. Probably cause of her asthma. We all found it normal. But it wasnt normal

Her eyes rolled back and her body started shaking. Corey ran out screaming "doctor we need a doctor!"

I held onto her hand still. "Christine its okay! Christine its okay!" I kept saying

I looked at her monitor. The flat line sound came on. The doctor came in pushing me away. My back hit the wall. Four other doctors came in.

"Whats happening?!" I cried out



I shot up in my bed. My eyes wide open now. I looked at my phone, "3:08 am". My lockscreen still of christine. I will probably never change it

I got up grabbing one of her hoodies and wrapped my arm around it. I laid on my back. "I love you" i whispered and closed my eyes again hoping for a better dream about christine

Besitos // Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now