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It hurt so bad. I was hugging kian and just crying. I haven't cried this hard in so long. My wrist started to sting and it just brought more pain. Kian held me tighter and didn't loosen his grip not one bit

I felt myself shaking more and the more I shook the more i felt myself get panicky. I finally let go of kian and he was looking at me. His eyes were getting watery and all he had was worry and sadness. He still looked beautiful to me though

He looked at me and than checked my body out. He probably noticed the bruises on my face and was checking to see more. He grabbed the stuff that was on the floor, and than held my hand and brought it to his mouth to give it a kiss, "c'mon let's get you in the car"

I gave him a weak smile but felt some butterflies in me when he kissed my hand. I felt my chest get that weird feeling and it was like an 'aw' moment

We started walking towards the car and kian still holding my hand. He dropped my stuff and opened the door for me. I got it and he shut the door. Kian ran to the other side and threw my things in the back seat

I put my seatbelt on and my wrist would sting every time I would move. I squinted my eyes from the pain and looked at the house. I hate you dad

Kian started driving and his right hand went to my left. He intertwined our fingers and kissed my hand again. I looked at him as he kept placing lil kisses on it. My eyes went down to my bracelets looking at my wrist. God why'd I do it?

I felt a big lump in my throats and my eyes got watery again. Kian noticed and stopped kissing my hand. I laid my head against the seat and closed my eyes

I just wanted to sleep and wish that this was all a dream

I opened my eyes realizing I wouldn't be able to fall asleep in this damn car and we were at a red light. I remembered this light though, we were almost home

After we pulled up, I got my things and waited for kian to come after me. Kian unlocked the door and i entered the house while going up the stairs. I found which i was guessing was Kians room from their videos, i sat my things on the floor. I sat on his bed putting my face in my hands. No tears, just my head spinning and my chest feeling empty

I heard a knock on the door and saw Kian. he shut his door and sat by me giving me a water and hot cheetos

i shook my head 'no'.

"what happened?" he asked me with the worry and sadness that never left his eyes. He sat the food on his desk by his laptop

"i fell down the stairs" i lied

"seems like you were-"

"i fell down kian, m-my dad must of spilt some beer because when i got home he was drinking a lil" god i wish i was a better liar

"must've been a hard fall.."

"p-pretty wet floor"

kian sat by me n laid on his back, "look i know- we both know that you didnt 'fall'. Because if you did you wouldnt of called me and you were crying, alot. You needed help didnt you?"

i nod my head

"than what happened?" i saw from the corner of my eyes kian raising his arms while talking. I laid down on my back like kian and started telling him what happened

Besitos // Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now