Starting Note + Request Here

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Thank you for choosing to read this! I hope you enjoy what I write.

• Updates come when they can. I'll try at least 1-2 a week or every other day, but that's a big try.

• The reader is male (just as the main character in the game is a father), unless mentioned otherwise.

If you have a specific character you want me to write a one-shot for, comment below. I'll get to them as soon as possible.

If you also have a specific scene you want me to write, please comment that too. Specific scenarios, prompts, and ideas will most likely be written.

• Most of these are one shots. Maybe some could have 2-3 parts but that's it.

• My apologies if they end up out-of-character. I've played the game myself and I've got a good grasp of their personality, but I'll do my best.

• When I use parenthesis, it means you can insert whatever you like.
   > (animal) = you choose an animal
   > (place) = you choose a place
   > (friend name) = you choose a name
> etc.

• I don't mind vote or comment spams! It shows your support, and I appreciate it very much!

And after that whole thing, let's start!

Remember to comment, vote or possibly follow! If not, read on. Have a nice day!

Mr. Brightside | Dream Daddy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now