Joseph Christiansen | Late Nights and Sorry Shots

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Published // 040318

wow look at the difference of the published date between this and the last one,, it's been HALF A YEAR

BUT HEY!!! this is 3200+ words so i hope this makes up for it!! i hope you guys enjoy it!

i wrote this in one go?? like, i spent like 4-5 hours writing this when i'm supposed to do other things

but with this, all the dads have one-shots and i can work on requests! thanks for being so patient guys, ily all! <3

Alcohol and angst.
Drink responsibly, and don't drink and drive.

Requested by @bleachlover2003, @missplayer2, and @chocokatkitty
@bleachlover2003 and @chocokatkitty supplied the scenario of this one-shot.
(Well, I used them as a basis but it's not exactly what was requested.)

Thanks for requesting! If you have a request, comment it below or on the first chapter.

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it lets me know you're enjoying the stories.

QOTC: How do you spend a Friday night?

A: If I'm not too tired that I immediately pass out the moment I get home, I just play video games.


Joseph, in the months of drinking margaritas by himself, finally decided go get out and go to a bar like a man normally would. Not that he started to develop a distaste for the drink—that would be unthinkable—but after seeing all the cliques and social groups in his ministry, he realized that he didn't talk to many people outside of the ministry and the cul-de-sac.

Mary was going to work the night shift at the shelter, his kids were having a sleepover at a classmate's house, Crish had a caretaker for the said evening, and the parish was closed for the next day. This meant a whole night for himself, which he was actually glad to have for once.

Instead of his usual light-colored get up, Joseph went the extra step and wore something a little different: a black long-sleeved polo, grey trousers, and white sneakers. It was more casual than his usual, and he would be lying if he said he didn't feel cool.

He drove to Jim and Kim's, a bar that he had only been in a few times for a few nights. On a Friday, he expected the bar to be packed, but it surprised him to see only two vehicles—a pick-up truck and a motorcycle. Joseph parked his car a few spots to the left of the truck, and once it was locked, he straightened his outfit and made his way to the front.

The door's bell jingled as he opened the door, and the mixed scents of alcohol came upon Joseph. Letting out a sigh, he looked around the room to see who was present. There was only one man by the main bar, and that happened to be you.

With a hum, the youth minister made his way to order. He sat next to the you, and Joseph noticed the rather fancy wineglass-looking cup with him. It was half full, with a cloudy green alcohol that Joseph wasn't sure of.

"Good evening," the bartender, who he remembered as Neil, greeted.

"What can I get you?"

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