Robert Small | Question and Apparition

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Published // 080817

Amanda isn't your daughter in this one-shot, but the dates with Robert still happen. Basically, a different backstory for the reader here.

Also I swear I always mess up and miss a word in important parts of dialogue. I should reread more thoroughly pfft

Requested by @BlueVanillaMint, meridafair12, Ravenhunter12345 and MaraWolfBane
A bunch requested for Robert! Thanks for requesting! If you have a request, comment it below or on the first chapter.

QOTC: Are you superstitious?

A: Kinda? Sometimes I'll take cautions and sometimes I won't but overall, yeah.


"Hey, Rob."

The man looked up to face you, mainly since you used that nickname. He was halfway through whittling a piece of wood into a/an (favorite animal) as a little gift to you. Plus, he hadn't carved that animal before, so he also took it as more wood carving practice. You were scrolling through your phone in one hand with a piece of wood in the other, and from what he could see it looked like a rabbit. Or was it a mouse? You'd show it to him later anyway. Robert noticed that your craftsmanship was more refined, and he gave himself a nod; he's taught you well.

"Have you..."

He waited for you to continue, but your words turned into mumbles as you were still reading something on your phone. Robert grew impatient.

"Have I what?" he repeated, moving over to look at what you were checking. You were apparently looking through a Wikipedia page as seen by the link. The site was the regular white with black text, and just as you scrolled he managed to catch a glimpse of one picture.

"Don't tell me you want to try one of those Ouija boards."

In the past, Robert first saw you as an awkward person like Mat, possibly even more scared of social interaction. He didn't think much of you until the man saw you at the bar; he didn't take you for a drinker--a wine or two, sure, but you caught his eye for your seemingly innocent nature. This was proven wrong though when he watched you down your fifth shot of whiskey and looked completely fine. You were more than meets the eye. That's when he decided to approach you, and from there the relationship took off.

You learned more about his past and problems: he had an alcoholic father, his wife died in a car crash, his daughter cut ties with him after college, and he's just waiting to end up like his father. Saying that his life was sad was an understatement. He wasn't a man that needed pity, he needed advice; that was what you gave him when he was at his breaking point.

Robert also learned about yours: you used to be a father of two with a (husband/wife), but your spouse left with your children for the secret work that you were doing--chaos magic. It wasn't anything big like demon summoning, but some things had gotten out of hand and that caused the separation. You revealed this to Robert on your third date, the same time you gave him advice.

You were more than relieved to know that he accepted you. There were some times that he was on the edge whenever you brought up specific topics like cults, but maybe that was just because they were just unnerving in general. At the end of all of this, the both of you got together and have been going through each of your hardships together.

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