Damien Bloodmarch | I'll Fall

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Published // 081117

I love all the characters in DDADDS equally, but Damien's my favorite by just a bit. I loved playing his route, and just the fact that he has a full garden of flowers and knows their meanings is just perfect to me.

Requested by DoubleBubbleDisco_01 and AllietheOtaku
DoubleBubbleDisco_01 requested the plot of Damien and the reader meeting each other in Dead, Goth, and Beyond and continuing to bump into each other.

QOTC: Do you have any merchandise of any fandoms?

A: Yes!! I don't have a lot of merch, but it's a good amount. I hope to be able to buy more in the future.


"Hey Pops," Amanda greeted you as she went into the car. You greeted back as you watched her throw her school bag into the back and buckle up.

"How was school?" you asked.

"Great," the girl replied. Amanda's face then went into a look as if she remembered something, and your daughter turned to you with a wide smile.

"I got a perfect score in my History test."

You congratulated her happily by ruffling her head, and she playfully fought your hands away so that you don't mess her hair up. Before you turned back to the steering wheel, Amanda cleared her throat. You shook you head with a smile, knowing fully well as to why she revealed her best score.

"Dad, you know--"

"Yes, I'll buy you things at the mall."

The girl cheered to herself until she realized what you said as you started up the car and began driving.

"Wait, 'things'? As in, plural?" Amanda asked with wide eyes.

"You heard me, Manda Panda. I know this semester's topics were pretty hard, so you deserve it," you explained.

She squealed in her seat and thanked you gratefully. Amanda took her phone out to check out the stores' sites for stuff she could buy, and you watched in slight worry at how fast she was typing. Amanda was a simple girl, but you had to watch out for your wallet because she would go over the top every now and then.

"Speaking of tests, how about that English one?"


> > >

Before you could even get a word to Amanda, Amanda sped off to one of the stores. You stood there, watching as your daughter ran as if her life depended on her getting what she was hoping you'd buy for her. Shaking your head with a chuckle, you followed after her.

The first store Amanda rushed in was one of those fashion retail stores. You glanced at the name that was written simply yet sleek, "Never 12". As weird as the name was, it was popular with the millennials and they always kept up with the new fashion trends. (The shop was really updated with the styles that they were the ones starting the trends, and soon the clothes you bought only a month back were old news.)

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