Hugo Vega | My Favorite Work of Art

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Published // 092017

Sorry this is so late, I've been really busy these past weeks because of school but I'll get back to my schedule of every 3 days soon.

Thank you all so much for the continued patience and support! I reread everyone's comments to check on missed requests but I was so inspired by all the lovely feedback. It makes me really happy to know you're all enjoying this so far.

(I proofread to edit just once so excuse minor mistakes I missed, ok thanks!!)

Requested by @SonateElcha
Thanks for requesting! If you have a request, comment it below or on the first chapter.

QOTC: Do you like going to museums?

A: I didn't see the fun in them before but now I really wish I appreciated them more. I hope to go to a big museum abroad in the future too.


"Hey dad, look at that."

Hugo felt his son tug on his sleeve, and he turned to where Ernest was pointing. From across the street they were walking through, there was a building. What had caught their eye though was the intricate designs on the walls, which were paintings from different eras. Hugo knew from what era each of them were, but he wondered why Ernest had called his attention to this.

"I think that's one of the museums my friends kept telling me to visit while we're here," Ernest explained as if he read his dad's thoughts.

"Really now?"

"Yeah. It's like an optical illusion and 3D art museum. They allow pets too."

From between the two of them, Duchess barked happily. Hugo wasn't sure about the pets part, but seeing as they had just finished lunch and were just about to head back to the hotel, a museum trip wouldn't be bad (plus, Ernest wasn't always interested in things like this so he better take the chance). The two were currently spending some time together to "work on their family relationship", and they both decided on a trip out-of-town (with the help of the other dads).

They walked across the street and reached the entrance. At the cashier was a man who was drawing on a notebook. He looked around his twenties, and when he saw the two making their way to him he put his notebook and pen away and smiled brightly at him.

"Good afternoon, welcome to the Interart Museum! Would you like to buy tickets?" he greeted. Hugo looked at his name tag and it read "Vinci".

"Yes, we would like to," Hugo said, getting his wallet while checking the prices. From the signs on the booth, most people take two to three hours in the museum. Hugo also looked at the promotional photos of the people making use of the 3D art; it was rather impressive.

"I heard you allow pets. Do you allow pets?" Ernest asked, gesturing to Duchess who sat beside him. Vinci got up from his seat to look over at the dog, and he smiled.

"As long as they don't poop, bother the other visitors, and scratch the walls, then any pet is welcome!" the man said. Duchess barked cheerfully at his demeanor.

"What's her name by the way? I have the same breed at home."

"She's Duchess," Ernest said proudly.

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