Craig Cahn | Canopy Conversations

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I'm doing the first seven oneshots by their order on Dadbook (left to right), so first one's Craig. I'm also going to have a "Question of the Chapter" at the start so feel free to answer; I'd love to hear from you readers!

Also I just noticed now the alliteration for the title. Look at all those Cs.

Updates are every other day.
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If you have a request, comment here or on the first chapter.

QOTC: Favorite weather?

A: I really enjoy windy or cloudy days, or both!


"The weather forecaster didn't say anything about rain for this week," you muttered, putting a hand out from the canopy you were under. You glanced at Craig who was looking at his phone was tapping on the table impatiently.

"We're gonna be here for a while, bro. Rain's gonna stop in half an hour or so," he sighed, showing you a weather information site on his phone.

You and Craig were currently under the canopy of an unrented building. You were out buying some house supplies and snacks until a sudden downpour came down from the sky, making you run for your life to the closest shelter. Craig was also on the same boat as you; he just got out of the gym, and on his way back the man got pelted by the rain. The both of you got under the canopy at the same time, and after exchanging situations you both decided to wait for the rain to stop and walk home together.

"Aww man, I was supposed to watch a special episode of Long Haul Paranormal Ice Road Ghost Truckers today," you sulked to yourself. "It starts in fifteen minutes."

"I feel you, (Your Name). I was supposed to take the three out to the mall, but it might be too late by the time I get back," Craig said.

The building must've been a food establishment before it was closed down, because the canopy was wide enough for ten people, and the place had some old tables and chairs. For the heck of it, you looked into the tinted glass of the building. The walls of the room were a faded pattern, littered around were old cardboard boxes, piled dirt, and at the far left corner was what remained of a potted plant. Poor plant.

You walked to where Craig was and sat across him. He was staring in the distance with his chin propped on his palm, and his face clearly showed that something was on his mind.

"You okay, dude?" you asked.

He snapped out of his daze and turned to you, eyes a little wide probably out of disorientation for thinking too deep.


"I asked if you were okay. Are you worried about the girls?"

Craig nodded, checking his phone. "What if something happens to them? My last resort would be running through the rain, but that would cause me to get sick and miss work."

"But I'll be there to take care of you," you winked.

You put a hand on top of his. He looked at your hand then back at you, his heart skipping a beat at the sight of your smile.

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