Brian Harding | Beyond the Blue

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Published // 080517

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Requested by Sass-A-Bear
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QOTC: Have you gone fishing?

A: Yes! My area has a park with a lake that you can fish in, but my family hasn't gone fishing in a while.


After settling your differences and the confession at the carnival, you and Brian have been going out more and doing things together for fun and friendly competition (most of which just ends up having the both of you praise each other). Amanda had left for college a month ago, and you spent of your time with him and his daughter. Daisy was fond of you and enjoyed your company whenever her dad had to leave for work.

Brian's schedule had lightened up recently, and noticing that he had been a little stressed, you suggested an outing. You were the one to plan most of it and only told him to bring the usual camp stuff. Whenever he tried to ask you about the activities, you would skip his question and simply answer with "Secret!" or "It's a surprise!". Basically, it was unknown to the bearded man as to what you had planned for the outing.

Currently, you were leading Brian to the area as he wore a bandana to cover his eyes.

"Sometimes you act like a child," he chuckled as you lead him by hand. You hushed him as the both of you stopped for a moment.

"Okay, we're here. Remove the blind fold."

He removed the cloth and he grinned from ear to ear.

It was the lake the both of you had fished in with Amanda and Daisy. Everything was set up just like last time, with some extra things like foldable chairs just by the lake and more food. Brian turned to you but you were already ahead, walking to the area.

"We don't have the kids and Maxwell," you said, gesturing to the place.

"But... do you like it? I tried my best to replicate our first fishing outing. Y'know, for nostalgia."

Brian went up to you. Unsure of what to do, you watched as he simply stood in front of you. Panic and worry started to flood your mind. Brian looked around, was there something off? He then looked down at your (shorter) figure, was he thinking of things you could've done to make it better? He wore a neutral expression, maybe something was on your face?

Brian's laugh broke you away from those thoughts as you felt strong arms wrap around you and hoist you up. The world blurred around, and you finally realized that Brian just spun you around in a hug. Once he set you down, you wobbled a bit in an attempt to readjust to the spinning. Brian didn't notice your predicament as he looked around, letting the good feeling of nostalgia kick in.

(Your Name) captured everything perfectly, Brian thought to himself, smiling.

"What's first on the agenda?" he asked, turning to you. You blinked to make sure your eyes were working properly again, and you pointed at the canoe that was already in the water.

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