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Mia's mother, Anna, quickly came out at the sound of the wolf. She raced to the tree and gasped in surprise. The Tree was all black, with black petals scattered on the ground. Except one red petal. Anna picked it up and looked at it closely.

A girl shall come and steal the light.

The truth will rise and lead to a fight.

The girl must come and do what's right.

On a journey to a place with no night.

Anna looked up into the darkness. "Oh no." She sighed.


Wolf-Mia raced across the the street, her yellow eyes watching everything. She had to go back to the forest, she had to go hunt. Hunger tore at her chest. Suddenly, she stopped. She heard someone watching her. She turned around and met eyes with a woman. Something was familiar about her...

Mia suddenly remembered. "Mom," She whispered. She switched back into a human, tired and worn out. She ran to her mother and they embraced each other.

Anna looked into her eyes. "Mia, we need to talk about something."


Anna carefully studied Mia's gaze as she read the petal. 

"A place with no night?" Mia asked, very confused. 

"I think I might have what your looking for." Mia's grandmother came into the room and pulled out a map. "Here, I found it one day in the woods when I was helping a blue bird with a hurt wing. You must take it."

Mia nodded. She glanced at her mother and everyone else. "I don't know about this. What if I turn into.......that again? I have no control."

Anna took something out of her pocket. It was a ring, with a small pearl on it. Mia gasped. "Your great grandmother gave this to me when I couldn't control my powers. It's how everything went well. But now, I think I don't need it."

Mia took the ring in her hands and put it on her finger. It gleamed before turned a purple color, Mia's favorite color. 

"Now you must go! Save the Tree!" Her grandmother croaked. Mia shook her head and she became determined. She was going to do this. She raced out of the house and looked at her map. It started in the forest. Mia began her journey.

Tree of DestinyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora