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Mia was a wolf. And she was an angry wolf. The fairies had taken her ring for themselves, so Mia had no control. 

Wolf-Mia slammed against the cell, biting and twisting and clawing it til it broke. She was free!

Wolf-Mia did the same to Akea's cell and she quickly turned to the white-haired fairy.

"I-I am s-so sorry. P-please don't eat m-me." She stuttered, her blue eyes flashing with fear. 

Wolf-Mia showed no mercy. She charged at the fairy, slamming her frail body into the rock solid wall of the cell. The fairy fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Mia! Save me!" Akea said. Wolf-Mia turned to Akea, anger bubbling in her soul. Suddenly, as she looked into Akea's brown eyes, Mia had control again. She remembered who she was. Mia trembled for a moment, having her own battle inside herself with the wolf, until finally, she shifted back to a person.

Mia collapsed on the floor, the weight of her sleepiness pulling her down. She breathed hard, without the ring, she didn't have any energy after transforming. 

"Mia, you have to help me!" Akea screamed. Mia shook herself, and carefully stood up, leaning against the wall. She limped over to Akea, her whole body aching from slamming against the bars of the cells in wolf form. She grabbed his pocket knife out of his pocket, sliced the purple vines, and fell to the ground again.

Akea spoke harshly to himself in his own language. He picked Mia up as a siren rang out throughout all of the underground prison. The fairies knew they were trying to escape.

Suddenly, a swarm of fairies exploded out of the doorway. "You will never escape!" They said in unison, all of their voices together making it loud. Akea narrowed his eyes and pulled out his pocket knife from his pocket. 

"Let's do this," He growled. Akea sliced through the swarm of fairies, not stopped for one. Some fairies fell onto the ground, their wings sliced in half, while others flew away crying, missing their wands as Akea sliced them out of their hands. Akea raced to the door in the back of the prison and quickly escaped to the forest above.

Tree of DestinyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant