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Akea and Mia made their way through the strange forest, Akea boasting about his strength the whole way.

"....And so all the girls were like 'Oh Akea, we love you so much! Take us with you!' and I was like, 'sorry girls, but you don't deserve to have all of this'. Then I flexed my muscles and half of them fainted. Like...." Akea went on and on, and Mia had to cover her ears to avoid from becoming deaf from boredom. What kind of guy is this vain?

"What do you think?" Akea asked, turning to her.

Mia was surprised he had asked her opinion on something, even though she didn't know what it was.

"Just kidding! Why would I ever ask a person's opinion, espicially a cursed girl, like you." Akea laughed.

Mia couldn't take it anymore. Amora wasn't here to stop her. She formed into a wolf, her teeth sharping and her legs and arms growing.

Suddenly, she was Wolf-Mia, and now she was gonna eat this evil, vain human that called himself, Akea.

Wolf-Mia charged at Akea, and he screamed like a little girl. She was about to bite his leg off when something stopped her. Girl-Mia was screaming at Wolf-Mia to stop. Wolf-Mia stopped.

Girl-Mia remembered the ring and smiled. Wolf-Mia suddenly slapped Akea with her front-claw unshealthed.

A scratch mark shown on his cheek. Wolf-Mia transformed back to normal, a smirk on her face.

She need to work on it, but for now, she was satisfied.

"What was that for?" Akea cried out angrily.

"Oops, sorry. I am not very good at transforming into a wolf yet." Mia lied smugly. 

Akea wiped off the blood on his cheek and began telling another story. Mia screamed inside her head.


"Looks like we have reached the River of Stone." Akea said as they pushed through some purple and prickly bushes. 

"The River of Stone? What kind of name is that-" Mia stopped and gasped as she saw the river. It was a clear blue color, with many orange fish swimming happily in circles. But many large rocks shot up like mountains out of the water. Their jagged peaks could slice someone in half.

"We will have to swim across." Akea said, a hint of excitement and danger in his voice.

"But I'm not very good at-" Akea pushed Mia in the river and then followed. 

Mia struggled to reach the surface, her legs already tired as they kicked as hard as they could. She breathed a sigh of relief as she reached the surface.

"Swimming." Mia finished, pushing with all her might to stay in the air.

Akea rolled his eyes. "It's not that hard. Just kick your legs and paddle your arms. Children of the Falling Leaves Tribe are experts at swimming by the age of 3."

"Maybe....I'm not.....perfect!" Mia gasped for air as she went underwater and up again.

"Mia watch out!" Akea cried out. Mia turned and screamed. A huge, sharp rock was on her left, the exact place the river was pushing her. She would be stabbed through the heart. Mia pushed her wet hair out of her face and barely managed to kick one more time before a wave of water pushed her to the rock. It grazed her side as a hand reached through the water and pulled Mia to safety.

Mia breathed hard as she flopped onto the dirt. She was soaking wet, and tired. She checked her side and grimaced. It had meerly grazed her side, but the wound was spilling blood onto the forest floor. Akea raced over to her as the world flashed before her eyes.

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