3. He's Different

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» Beam «

"I'm gonna buy something to drink, do you want anything?" Kit announced, sounding annoyed as he looked up from the piles of papers we had laid out on the once empty table. He was starting to get stuffy how reading all the handouts that we brought to pass the time as we waited for Pha. I couldn't blame Kit for being bitchy because even I was feeling uneasy and restless just as he was. I should be having fun with girls right now! But we were stuck in a predicament that we had no escape from; if we wanted to graduate on time like we initially planned.

Even without the official start of classes yet, some of our professors had already given us a ton of materials to work on. It was a lot, no exaggerated claims attached. Stacks and stacks of modules and files. Why did I let my friends drag me into this course anyway??? But of course, I was just kidding. Regardless of my complains about Pha forcing Kit and me to take up medicine with him 'since he didn't want to be alone in college, I've always wanted to be a doctor. It seemed fulfilling and I like the thought of helping those who really need my aid. It sounded like an ideal job so I wasted no time and applied for the course with my other friends.

"No thanks," I answered. I tried to keep my voice down so it wouldn't irk Kit some more. As much as I love teasing my Kitty, he seemed in a very bad mood and I want to spare my life so I laid off on the insults for the mean time. "I'm good."

"I'll be right back," he said then shot to his feet, probably to head on off to the nearest vending machine or convenient store to get his beverages.

I was left all alone, revising on my notes by myself. The silence was deafening although it had only been a few seconds since Kit left and I felt like I was going to die if it continued on with the madness. I can't do this anymore!

"Hi Beam," a voice called from not too far away.

Ah yes, my savior had finally appeared.

"Hey Ai'Forth," I greeted then frowned when I didn't see a familiar figure following him from behind his back. "Where's Pha?" It was unusual, seeing them apart during practice. Whenever they had rehearsals, they were always attached to each other's hip, inseparable in a sense that it was starting to get pretty ridiculous. If I didn't know any better, I would have presumed that Forth was on a mission to steal our best friend away from Kit and me, but nah, they were just close. Forth was definitely odd for sticking by Pha all this time

And somehow, I'm happy that Pha was starting to open up to other people. He can't just stick with us forever, y'know.  I'm sure that Kit had the exact same sentiments, because for some reason, he also had grown fond of Forth. Great, both my friends are charmed by him.

"Left him there." Forth pointed at a certain direction inside the practice hall and I followed my gaze to where he was looking at.

From my position, I could see Pha that was mobbed by some stars, dragged him to a nearby corner, probably asking for his number or something . And judging from how he was trying his best not to scowl at the ladies or curse at them, he seemed uncomfortable. I tried my best not to laugh but it was hard. Pha was really bad at handling situations like that. Usually me and Kit would be there to save him but I thought against and decided to leave him alone to suffer for once. This is what you get for bragging me to your practice when I could have been in a nearby club with a lot of girls by now!

"Some kind of friend you are," I teased but Forth only shrugged his shoulders, feigning innocence.

"Only the best," Forth retorted with a mischievous grin.

We both laughed watching Pha struggle to keep the persistent girls away. 

He sat on Kit's previous spot, across from mine and we talked for awhile. Forth was great guy, laid back, fun, and was easy to talk to. No wonder Pha was comfortable with him on their first day.Apparently, we both shared a lot of stuff in common; from games, to music, to all kinds of things. And somehow, in between our conversation, Forth told me that he didn't want to enter the competition in the first place, he really was against it. He wasn't the type of guy that liked being exposed in crowds but his friends and classmates were persistent and forced him to join to represent their faculty, Forth was left with no choice but to comply to their wishes.

I sort of pitied him but I couldn't blame the engineering students for wanting him to be their moon, Forth was really handsome and charming, he actually had a great chance of winning the title. Well... it Pha wasn't there, that is. I know I was being biased but I can't help but support my best friend more. Sorry Forth.

"Ai'Forth," another voice called and we both turned our heads towards the source.

It was Kit, a couple of drinks in his hands, he was looking at us.

"Hi Ai'Kit," Forth said and offered the other a smile, he stood up and motioned Kit back to his seat.

"Where are you going?" I asked, seeing as though Forth was attempting to leave. "You don't have to leave just yet."

"I think our break is over now. I just came by to talk to you," Forth explained simply. "Ai'Pha is probably looking for me now."

"Oh, okay.." I said softly as I watched Forth's retreating back made its way inside the practice hall again, but not before he bid his goodbyes to me and Kit. Why do I feel a heavy feeling in my chest all of a sudden? This is weird.

I spun around when Forth was finally out of sight and decided to return back to my previous task but when I did, I was that Kit was looking at me weirdly. "What?" I asked with raised brows.

"Nothing," he answered briefly then sat down, putting the drinks he had brought on the table and offered me one.

Kit is acting weird again. But I brushed the thought aside as we both continued studying. WHY IS MEDICINE SO HARD?!?!?

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