5. Angel's song

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» Beam «

"I have to go, guys," I said as I abruptly stood up and hung my messenger bag loosely over my shoulder after I scrolled through the text message I had received not too long ago.

We had just finish our last class that day and it was also a Friday. Pha and Kit invited me to a nearby pub just outside the university's campus but I've already declined their almost too tempting offer since I had already an appointment. Phana was stressed and he needed something to distract his mind from the Moon and Star pageant. Good thing that they didn't had any practice that day too or else Pha would seriously go crazy. The contestants had been very diligent and attentive and the staff was happy with their positive attitude during rehearsals that they gave them a day off to rest, but not after reminding the contestants about the importance of the event to the school, their respective faculties and also their own selves. So much for not wanting to burden the contestants.

Pha was still on edge though despite the numerous reassurances that me and Kit have been constantly giving him. He had been very troubled lately. He just doesn't show it on his face since he's good at masking his own emotions but we could see right through his facade. We were worried, too. Pha was never the type of person to be shell shocked. Maybe joining the contest was really a bad idea after all?

"Off to see your boyfriend again, Ai'Beam?" Kit teased with a smirk and I scowled at his words. My friends knew about the agreement between me and Forth since I told them but it had turned into them blackmailing me.

"Fuck you." I wanted to add something more to taunt my shorted friend but I realized it wasn't worth the effort. It would only fuel their desire to make me suffer more.

"Feisty, aren't we?" Kit continued on messing with me, wanting to agitate me somehow but I will not be swayed. "Seeing Ai'Forth will change that."

"Want to be alone with him again? Is that it?" Pha added, rather accusingly.

"Shut up," I hissed to get him to stop though it was in vain.

Pha was still sulky that I was helping Forth and not him for his talent performance.

"Why are you helping him instead of me?? Are you even my friend??" Pha complained after he found out. Apparently, it was Forth who told him at first. I thought it was supposed to be a secret since Pha might take it the wrong way and would assume that I'm betraying him but Forth said it was by accident, and that he didn't mean to. To be honest, I wouldn't have even told them if it weren't for Forth's carelessness.

But I know he wasn't really mad or anything. Phana might be bossy and arrogant on most occasions but he would never get upset at me just because of something so trivial and vague. And besides, Kitty was already helping him out, he didn't need anymore aid.

To avoid any more unwanted torment from my friends, I bid them my farewell and went outside the medicine building. Forth said he was already in front of our faculty so I fastened my steps so he wouldn't wait long. It's rude to make him to do so.

"Ai'Beam," a voice called. I know who its owner is, I know him too well.

"Forth." I approached the handsome Engineering Moon and he smiled at me, the type of grin that reached till his eyes and wrinkled them. I found the sight rather fascinating. Forth looks really good when he smiled.

I retrieved my car keys from the pocket of my slacks and handed it to Forth. We would be using my car and he would drive for us. Before, he'd offer that we'd just ride his beloved bike instead but I firmly disagreed. As attractive as his motorcycle looked, I knew that it was a death trap in sleek gears. I didn't want to die just yet, I have my whole life ahead of me. I haven't dated enough girls yet!

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