7. Moment of Truth

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» Beam «

"Do you know the way?" Kit asked, visibly confused as to where we were supposed to go, which direction should we take in the then crowded hallway.

 "I have no idea," I answered truthfully. "We'll just ask someone."  

Kit nodded his head. Though full of reluctance, I still followed behind him as we both made our way towards the dressing room where the moons and stars were preparing themselves, with the help of a few people Kit asked directions from.

Yes, today was the big day that everyone was waiting for: the star and moon competition.

The remaining afternoon classes had been suspended  for that day and the university was unusually crowded, numerous outsiders even came to  watch the event. It was very highly anticipated by everyone. Well, most only wanted to see the handsome moons and beautiful stars of course. But I couldn't blame them. I would so, too.

We arrived at the location without getting lost, Kit immediately went to look for Phana in the chaos. It was hectic just like as we thought, the make up artists were running back and forth in a hurry and the contestants were visibly troubled. The tension in the air was thick and I slightly pitied them. It mush be hard to be in their shoes.

Actually, Pha was the reason why me and Kit even bothered to go to the dressing room though it was such a hassle. Kit was worried that Pha will get cold feet and uncharacteristically nervous so he dragged me into seeing him to give him some assuring and friendly cheers. But I was dreading the thought of being in the same room as the other moons, especially coincidentally bumping into the engineering faculty's moon.

I was very wary about seeing Forth again. Damn it, I was remorseful. I don't think I could look at him straight in the eye just yet.

And everything happened just because of that drunken night. 

Though my memory was fuzzy and I couldn't remember anything (not even a single thing after my 7th shot) Kit told me what happened after I went out of control for everyone to see. 

I know what you're thinking about but that wasn't what I meant! Nothing happened between Forth and me! You wish.

Me and Kit talked about it the next morning when I miraculously woke up in his room. He wouldn't stop teasing me about it. Though what went down wasn't as drastic as I thought it would have been but it was still embarrassing nonetheless. 

As the night wore on, when I got completely drunk, I, according to Kit's stories, I went to the stage that the club had at a corner, barely managed to not stumble on my own two feet as I went up and grabbed the mic from the stand since a band performed earlier and then announced that Forth would win and be the campus moon instead of Pha.


Both Pha and Forth had to join forces just to drag me away, to not shame myself even more than I already had. Both weren't drunk except for me so it wasn't much of a struggle even when I trashed around like a child. Good thing Pha wasn't offended with what I said or else I would have lost my best friend (kidding. it wasn't to that extent. Pha understands).

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