11. Talk To Me Baby

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>> BEAM <<

"Man, I feel like my soul left my body," Kit whined, harshly stuffing his things into his bag after the bell rang.

"My head hurts," I groaned tiredly as I stood up and stretched my arms, easing my tense muscles. I was physically and mentally drained. "That was by far the hardest one yet."

"Tell me about it." Kit pouted, clearly upset.

Well, I could completely feel his sentiments. Even though we've been studying the whole night for that specific subject; the test was still difficult. I barely answered half of the questions. Professor Auntie is out to kill us, I just know it.

A single exam wasn't supposed to last for 4 hours, right?

Ai'Kit wouldn't stop ranting in irritation about the test as we made our way down the hall, I merely hummed in agreement, too tired to make any further comments. Exams have been piling up since the previous week and today was the last day of finals, we were all stressed and sleep deprived, not just the medicine students but the entire university. I couldn't even bother myself to listen to what my friends were talking about. I just wanted to be done with everything so I could go back to my dorm and sleep my troubles away.

On the other hand, unlike us, Ai'Phana didn't look too troubled. He was happy for some reason, a smile plastered on his annoying face while being busy with his phone as he walked alongside us. He probably did well on the exams like he usually does. Phana was a born genius with a photographic memory, he didn't need to study as much as we do to top the class.

Lucky smart-ass bastard.

All three of the infamous Insane Doctors Gang were on our way to get lunch at the faculty's cafeteria. We still had one more exam left in the afternoon and we couldn't be troubled to go out and eat somewhere else far from our building since we were planning to do some last-minute revisions while waiting for the next test. "The guys left a message," Phana said as we finally sat down on our usual table outside. Despite our pending doom, the weather was quite nice. How ironic. "They want everyone to meet up at the usual place. Tonight, at around 9."

Out friend was probably referring to the other faculty moons. Pha had grown close to them during the contest and had stayed in contact with them even after the competition ended. "Drinking?"

"You bet. So, are you guys game?" There was a mischievous smile on Pha's face. Of course, he knew we would never say no to such an invitation, especially when alcohol was involved.

"Count me in," I immediately said. "I badly need a shot after that ridiculous biology exam." The idea of drinking out with friends was much more tempting than sleeping for some reason.

Kit also agreed to the proposal without much fuss. I think we all need to loosen up and relax after such a stressful and hectic week. And what better way to do that than get ourselves drunk?

"Cool. I'll tell them that we're all going," Pha informed as he turned his attention back to his cellular phone.

"Beam, are you sure you want to come?" Kit asked when he turned to me, concern visible in his features. "What if you see him?"

I was confused with his question. "What do you mean?"

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