Chapter 8

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((~YAY!! I did it ON TIME for once!~))

(Rin POV)

I was frozen. So very frozen. After what felt like hours but was only maybe 3 minutes. I slowly turned to look at Mephisto. I gulped, nervous of what he might say "M-Mephisto...they saw us...i-is that ok?...w-with you I mean? Are you mad?" He seemed to have been very deep in thought and my voice looked like he was slapped out of his own mental war. He looked at at me as if trying to decide if he should yell or sigh. He let out a sigh but gave a small yet very real smile. I wish I could read his damn mind to know what the hell he's thinking. 

(Mephisto POV)

I don't know how they'll react to  this sorta thing, especially when it's between me and Rin. But I don't really care. I'm more worried how this will effect Rin and how they'll treat him about all this. Mostly his Yukio tho. As I was thinking I heard a voice and it pulled me from away from my thoughts. I looked at Rin seeing he had a look mixed between fear and nervousness. I couldn't tell if I wanted to just sigh or voice my worry by screaming. I just sighed and smiled a little. Then Rin asked if I was mad. Why Would I be mad? Instead of asking that or answering his question, I lifted his chin so he looked me in the eyes and pulled him close kissing him deeply yet gently. He probably is worried just like I am. As I slowly pulled away I smiled happily "I'm not mad. I have no reason to be mad at all. So why would I be?" I took his hand in mind and started walking away from where we were also in the opposite direction then Yukio and Shima went. For now that doesn't need to be dealt with. We can all deal with it later, better to let things die down somewhat for now. Rin seemed to have gotten the idea and he smiled widely walking alongside me. I noticed the time and that it was getting late so we stated for the exit.I could easily feel him grow more and more tense as we got closer and closer to the exit. I held his hand tightly and tried as hard as I could to give my best comforting smile. Not easiest thing for me to do, a demon. Plus i'm not used to truly and honestly comforting people.

(Rin POV)

We were walking to  the exit. I'm scared. I don't want to deal with what happened tonight. I got more tense as we neared the exit. Mephisto seemed to take noticed that I was tense because he tried to smile a...what i'm guessing was supposed to a comforting smile but it looked more like a a smile you'd give someone who you just hit upside the head with a plate then said sorry. It was funny tho, made me laugh so it did help. As we exited the fair I felt more relaxed. Mephisto walked me back to my dorm and to my room. He kissed me and said goodnight before leaving. I walked as quietly into my room as I possibly could've. Yukio wasn't anywhere in the room "Thank goodness." I sighed softly and fell face first on my bed, my face hidden in my pillow. Soon after that I passed out. 

(Mephisto POV)

I was walking back to my office after making sure Rin was at his room safely. As I got close to my office I noticed Yukio waiting outside the entrance door. I froze for a moment. I hummed softly and walked around claiming into my office through one of the window. I saw Amaimon passed out in my chair and I was about to yell at him to wake up  and move his ass but I sighed and just went to my room to get some sleep for once. I went into my room and changed then got into bed and slowly fell asleep with a soft smile on my lips. 

((~I did it! I did it! I'm happy with myself now. For now at least. But ugh, I've been listening to the Magic Dance song (from the movie Labyrinth) the whole time I was writing this. I swear I almost made this chapter themed around that song like 7 times. I love that movie so much. Anyway tho, here's another chapter. LOVE YOU ALL~))

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