chapter 9

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(Ello ello everyone! I'm alive! I kept the advice a certain person commented saying "JUS DON'T DIE AND STAY ALIVE ITLL WORK OUT EVENTUALLY". I remember that rather well and while things haven't worked out entirely as of now. I do appreciate the works. I even went to look who said it and it was @AriaVengful
Well I'm alive and well. Sorry all my updates take forever...I'm still working on my phone. Feel so in over my head with life right now, for like the past year now. But I don't plan of dying anytime soon. But thank you everyome who commented. I really appreciated all the kind words.)

(Mephisto POV)

I woke up early the next morning, around 5am. About an hour to early....maybe I could go out to get breakfast or something. I sighed standing up and stretching, hearing my back made a loud "POP". Headed to the restroom and brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. Then I went to get dressed.

(Small time skip, like 30 mins)

I was by the main road now. I was wearing something simpler then my normal attire. I decided something easier since it was so early. I smchoose to wear a button down faded purple shirt with just some regular skinny jeans and black boots. It was to early to really go all out. I might do it later (might not) But for now I'm not doing it. To much far. By now it's almost 6:30am.

(skip 30 mins. Now it's 7am)

I walked down to an IHOP. Again something simple. But I walked in and wait for the lady to give me a seat. Once she did I was looking through the menu. I ended up ordering a stack of strawberry pancakes and a large root beer.

It was relaxing to just eat breakfast away from everyone. I love Rin and all but alone time is nice as well now and again. And this early in the morning I really love my alone time. Quiet and nice.

I ordered a coffee cake and a coffee to go when I finished my pancakes. I are my coffee cake while well towards the school. But as I started to drink my coffee something passed by me. It almost looked if I'd seen it somewhere before. They moved so fast I couldn't quite see em. I decided to ignore it, at least for now if anything.

As I approached the school gates I paused and for a moment thought to whoever almost ran into me. I quickly pushed the thoughts all aside when Rin came jogging over to me and waving. He nearly fell over his own feet and caught himself and smiled at me. I almost chuckled if he hadn't started speaking.

"Hey there, Mephisto! How's your morning? And how did ya sleep?" He said.

I chuckled this time. "Hello, Rin. My morning has been well. And I slept just fine. But how about you? You're up rather early knowing you." I tilted my head looking at him.

He just blushed and smiled back nervously for a moment before answering. "Oh! Yea, my morning is good and I slept great! I just had some things to do this morning and I really did want to get them done. So I made sure to wake up early."

Things to do? I wonder what those things were or are....none of my business tho. Maybe I'll ask later.

"Well it's good you got everything done. Now if only you could apply that to getting up for school or training." I smirked and he flushed then puffed his a.cheeks and pouted. Looked like he was about to yell but just gave in with a sigh. Honestly he looked like he hadn't sleep at all last night. He looks tired as hell. More so then I ever do or have in a long time. Even the tone to his voice has a tiredness to it. It sounded strained as well. Stressed? One of those two. I wonder's worrying me Now the More I think about it and the more I realize it. I tried to wave it off for Now tho while he was here...he did just get here.

"Hey, Rin? Wanna go get lunch later today? Say maybe around 1:30?"

He looked like a rekindled candle. Suddenly full of light after almost being fully put out. Life out back into something almost lifeless. It made me happy that I could do that but worry that he had looked like that in the first place.

"Really, Mephisto? I didn't think you would want to. I thought about asking you but...I decided not to. But yea, I'd really love to!" He smiled, nearly ear to ear.

I smiled softly. "Alright then meet me by my office this afternoon. Then we'll go to lunch."

He nodded. Then looked at his phone, his eyes going wide. "Alright I will! But for now inreally gotta go. Bye!" He spoke quickly before zooming off past me.

It kinda shocked me and I stood frozen for the moment. I kinda just blinked before turning and looking in the direction he had ran off. I took a moment before heading towards my office.

I wonder what he's up to. The way he moved almost reminds of earlier.

(Well I finally updated. And I'm loud I did it. I'm sorry if it was short. And I'm sorry that the other story will take longer. But my uncle was found dead ealier this week in his hallway and I went to his funeral yesterday. So I can't really being myself to write on that one today. I just had a little to add to this one. So I deeply apologize.

Thank you for reading. And sorry to drag things on. I love you all.)

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