Chapter 11

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You glanced up from your [breakfast food], to see Stuart sat down at the opposite end of your kitchen table. He was chewing his cereal contentedly whilst staring into space, a spoon hanging from his slender fingers. Absentmindedly, he twirled it round and round. 

A light breeze drifted in through your open windows, it ruffled the pages of the neglected newspaper that lay in the center of the table between the fruit bowl and your personalized coffee mug. The curtains rose, caught on the breeze. They slowly sank as it left.

Under the table, you felt something brush against your leg. You ducked your head to see it was just Whale, nose deep in his dog food. You had no idea why he'd nudged his food bowl to feast under the table today, but he had. His wagging tail tickled your leg every so often as you stretched out comfortably in your chair.

Everything feels so normal, you thought. Stu seemed to snap out of his daydreaming, immediately flashing you a carefree grin before diving his spoon back into his cereal. 

Too normal. 

Just then, a shrill noise rang through the room. The doorbell. You whipped your head around to the source of the sound, wondering who on earth would come a knocking at this ungodly hour. It was practically the crack of dawn! Although really, it was almost noon. 

"I'll get the door." You said, standing and quickly leaving the room.

Whale immediately scooted out from under the table to to go with you. There wasn't much in this world that would make him abandon his beloved food but, he'd follow you to the moon and back if he could.

You reached the front door, Whale close behind, and swiftly unlocked it. Cracking it open slightly, you peeked through the gap.

A short woman, about seventy or so, stood hunched on your doorstep. Her many colourful shawls and scarves draped over her shoulders were piled so high that her large eyes, magnified further by her wide framed circular glasses, just barely peeked out over the top of them. She strongly resembled a parrot.

"Old Miss Martha!" You exclaimed gleefully, flinging open the door and stepping out.

"My darling syrup encased buttercup stew, my sweet strawberriless Italian pizza, [Y/n]!" She sang, pulling you into a smothering hug.

Whale made a noise of appreciation, running circles around the eccentric woman.

Meanwhile, Stuart sat alone in the kitchen. Hearing the new voice, he grew curious. Shoving a last few hurried spoonfuls of cereal into his mouth, he pushed back his chair with a screech and rushed from the room.

The kitchen grew silent. That is until, a gentle 'ping!' sounded and an embarrassed Stu backtracked, snatched the warm toast from the toaster and rushed out again.

"Waffs appin?" Stuart appeared in the doorway by your side, spraying toast crumbs everywhere. The chattering stopped. 

"Stu, this is Old Miss Martha from down the road." You nodded in the direction of her home.

Miss Martha almost jumped out of her skin. Clumsily fixing her glasses which had almost fallen off her face, she began to laugh.

"My dear, there's a man in your house!"

"It's not like that!" You said quickly, tripping over your words a little. Stuart continued to chew his toast thoughtfully, giving Miss M a blank stare.

"Oh, I never thought I'd live to see the day! [Y/n], poppet, what took you so long?!"

"Miss M, really, it-"

"HMMmmmmMMm TALL! I like your style. Blue hair too, bit of a rebel aye? Bit on the wild side? Just like you, [Y/n]."

"Well my 'air wasn't really my choice, Miss." Stuart piped up.

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