"Flowers for Sheldon..." Part XXVII...Conclusion...

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"Flowers for Sheldon..."

Summary: Leonard and the gang discover Sheldon has taken advantage of Penny's request for help with her binge drinking to make needed improvements...

Disclaimer: BBT is all Chuck Lorre's...

Part XXVII...Conclusion...

"Ohhh...Oh, boy...Oh...Not good...Oh..." hand to head..."Penny?..." Leonard groaned...

"Leonard...Thank God..." her strained voice...He opened eyes to see Penny's worried face...

"Either we had a lot more to drink than I thought...Really overblew it on the orgasm scale..Or...?" he began...

"My little alter ego from Hell shocked us last night...Somehow, via the remotes for the TV and lights, I think..." she explained... "Are you ok?..."

"Very big hangover but I think so...Was she trying to kill us?..."

"No...I don't think so...At least not you...And since I didn't get worse, I'd say not me either..."

"Welll..." he struggled to get up... "Lie back..." she insisted... "I think you took it worse, lil' fella...You're going to the hospital..."

"We hafta shut it down..." he tried to get up again...She holding him back... "Leonard, I'm bigger than you are and she's already gone...Sheldon or one of the guys must've shut her down...There's an emitter panel pulled out in the living room and she's been wiped from the server and the I Tunes cloud...Here, have some mineral water...Drink it..."

He reluctantly sipped....Looking at her... "Why would she?..."

"We told her we were going to 'fix' her...I shoulda realized she wouldn't take that lying down...I'm sorry, honey..."

"I should've realized we were talking to a crazy Pe...person...But are you sure you're ok?...You're lucky she didn't kill you..."

"I think she wanted to...But not the body...I just managed to get the laptop in here up and look at the log files...She was trying to turn the panel in here into a neural uploader...I think she planned to try and load herself into me..."

He stared...She put up a hand...

"She didn't get that far, Leonard...She's not as bright as me and it was taking her time, especially with no physical abilities...Sheldon was in here and I think he stopped her but I can't tell yet..." she paused...Wobbily... "...if the guys were with him or no..."

"You're white..." he sat up... "You need a trip to the hospital too..."

"I won't argue...I barely made it into the living room and kitchen and back...But I'm a little better now..."

"Where are the guys?...Hey!...Sheldon?..." he called...

"I'll go...You stay...Leonard?..." she frowned as he tried to swing legs off the bed...

"I'm fine...But we'll both go..." pause... "Oh...Now I really hafta get up..." he gagged a bit...

"I got a bucket..." she pulled over a wastebasket...Lifting...He put up a hand, wan smile...Immediate hurl...

Scream from outside...

"Bernadette..." Loenard looked at Penny... "Come on...!"

"Sheldon!..." Raj, stunned...Starring...Sheldon bent over a prostrate Amy on the ground, her sweater off and blouse open...

"One and two and three and four...Blow..." Sheldon, breathing into Amy's mouth... "Not now, Raj!...One and two and three and four..." he pumped down carefully, rapidly on her chest... "Blow..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2017 ⏰

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