"Flowers for Sheldon..." Parts VIII, IX

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Flowers for Sheldon..."

Summary: Leonard and the gang discover Sheldon has taken advantage of Penny's request for help with her binge drinking to make needed improvements. 

Disclaimer: BBT is all Chuck Lorre's. 

Part VIII. 

Somewhere out in multidimensional, intergalactic space.  Dancing over galactic clouds of stardust and elemental particles swirling, reforming, dissipating....  Regathering...  Taking shape... The very specific shapes of Amy and Sheldon. 

"Up...Up...And Away.  In my Beautiful, beautiful...Balloon....We can float among the stars together.  You and I.  For we can...Fly...Fly."

"You know." John DeLancie's Q in trial judge outfit, gazing upon the particlized forms of Amy and Sheldon.   "Even the Q can't do this sort of pandimensional dancing well."

"It's easily learnt." Amy noted.  Beaming smile upon Sheldon. 

"Well.  Not really sorry to spoil your fun, despite the indictation of a better nature to my character in the Next Generation final episode." Q noted.   "But I must terminate this fantasy."

"Oh, no.  No." Amy protested.   "We're about to swirl down together into a galactic core black hole and see what pleasures lie in total mutual integration and annihilation at all quantum levels."

"I.e.  Sex." Q sighed.   "Humans and their messy biological functions.  I must say at least Jean-Luc kept his lower realms under control admirably.  The Q had hoped for better of you both."

"...And then I'm taking her for a chocolate shake and we're going home to watch the new Blue-ray master copy of Star Wars IV.  A New Hope." Sheldon noted. 

"I.e.  More sex." Q sighed. 

"Highly unlikely if we've already done it beforehand.  I mean, not that I couldn't.  Should we actually accomplish it here.  Repeat it.  Someday." Sheldon noted.   "I am finding the notion of utter integration surprisingly delightful just now."

"The Q are disappointed in you, Sheldon Cooper." Q shook his robed head.   "And you, poorly dressed, Mayim Bialik clone.  You have betrayed your destiny to join us one day on the Q continuum."

"Hey.  Watch upon whom you toss those apt, taunting bon-mots.  This is my woman here.  Grrr..." Sheldon glared, taking he assumed was a proper aggressive stance on the edge of a swirling island galaxy, as Amy beamed.   "And who cares, you don't really exist as an omnipotent pan-galactic being anyway.  This is just my fantasy.  Now carry out your function here."

"Hmmn.  Even Jean-Luc never thought of that one." Q, admiring tone.   "Well, all right, I now pronounce you indivisibly merged, and one with the omnipotent species of various episodes.  Though of course Sheldon retains a part of his independent superior existence.  Welcome to the Q." Disappearing. 

"Actually, Sheldon." Amy, waving from her edge of the galaxy on which their particlized forms perched. 

"I think this is my fantasy."

"Really?" Sheldon looked round.   "I'd swear that this was my fantasy of our union."

"Oh...Sheldon." Amy, tears of joy.   "We share the same fantasy?..Two vines in the Tropical Environmental Lab running over each other and due to a breech in the university reactor becoming fused on the quantum as well as genetic level.  And this is the subatomic universe of bliss?.."

"Uh.  No.  We're elemental particles in a vast matrix perched on the edge of the Giant Galaxy in Andromeda.  With Q officiating in our union with the Continuum."

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