"Flowers for Sheldon..." Parts IV, V

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"Flowers for Sheldon..."

Summary: Leonard and the gang discover Sheldon has taken advantage of Penny's request for help with her binge drinking to make needed improvements. 

Disclaimer: BBT is all Chuck Lorre's. 

Part IV... 

The terrifying events of the past few hours having so rocked the world of Sheldon Cooper that in desperate desire to return to the one place of security in reach outside his mother's womb or grandmother's lap, and owing to lack of ability to obtain a cab home, he has taken the incredible step of a bus ride. 

And with She Who Betrayed His Trust For Personal Pleasure. 

"Sheldon." tap on upturned binder taken from the cadaver lab.  Intended to be used to record the results of the rat autopsies.  Now useful solely as protection and barrier.   "Sheldon." pause.   "Sheldon.  Sheldon."

"You know, that's very annoying." he put the binder down.  Glaring at Ms. SWBHTFPP.  Formerly Amy Fowler. 

"Sheldon.  I..."

"You lied to me." he glared.   "You got me over to the lab on false pretenses.  You knew the rats didn't die from the neural link system.  They had indigestion."

"I didn't know.  For sure.  We had to be sure, didn't we?  Besides, they wouldn't have died if they hadn't been enhanced enough to open the food pellet boxes and gorge themselves to death."

"Well, no problem.  Since Penny already knows how to open refrigerators.  I think." he frowned.   "And even without a knowledge of rat anatomy, anyone could tell those rats died from over-eating.  Ironic, really.  They truly became Americans in their brief time on these shores."

"All right." she sighed.   "I took advantage of your concerns.  But you did endanger my career with unauthorized experimentation.  And..." she looked away.   "...You did betray me, too, you know."

"Betray?...Me? Betray how?"

"You gave Penny the neural uploads.  From you.  Sheldon?"

"It was a scientific experiment.  What, are you angry that Penny might get credit?...Believe me, there is no way that waitress gets a spot on any paper including my name."

"Sheldon." Amy sighed.   "I wanted to have a piece of you.  For myself.  I was even hoping.  Once we confirmed the system was safe.  That you might..."

"Might what?..." he stared.   "Oh, my lord.  A neurologist's mental wanderings in my finely tuned brain?...Please."

Cold stare.   "Well maybe you'd prefer a Cheesecake Factory/ 'actress'/slut's memories?...And I hope you noted the emphasis representing quotes around 'actress'." Amy fumed. 

"God, no." Sheldon blanched."Woman, what are you thinking?"


"You should be.  The very image of anything 'crossing over' from Penny back to me." he shuddered. 

"Sorry, Penny.  I mean." Amy, narrow-eyed, angry stare.   "It was rude of me to call my best friend a slut out of jealousy."


Sheldon, staring, shocked. 

"Oh." Amy moaned.   "I wanted it to be magical.  That's why I wanted to do you in the Tropical Environment Fauna and Flora Lab.  It's so beautiful there, especially at night."

"Amy.  They store disease cultures in there.  I couldn't get on that floor.  Let alone...Fornicate there."

"I know.  But they're not stored there at this time of the year." she sobbed. 

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