Flowers for Sheldon..." Parts XII, XIII

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Flowers for Sheldon...”

Summary: Leonard and the gang discover Sheldon has taken advantage of Penny's request for help with her binge drinking to make needed improvements. 

Disclaimer: BBT is all Chuck Lorre's. 

Part XII. 

"Now remember.  Nonchalant.” Leonard cautioned as he, Amy, and Sheldon entered the Cheesecake Factory.  Pausing near the receptionist's podium. 

"Oh, please.” Sheldon, sourly.   "If the girl has acquired a fraction of my intellect, she'll see through that in a second.”

"You're right.” Leonard nodded thoughtfully.   "So I should move to plan B and beat you to a pulp in the alley outside with one of the metal trash can lids then get Penny to come to the hospital with us after your 'accident'.  Nice of you to volunteer, Sheldon.”

"Nonchalant.  Got it.” Sheldon nodded.  Frown at Amy eyeing Leonard. 

"Lets go, I see them.” Leonard, waving to Raj and Howard at table.  Penny not to be seen. 

"Were you by any chance impressed by Leonard's brief display of throwback brutality there?..." hiss. 

"Certainly not.” Amy insisted as they followed Leonard.   "Why would you think that?..."

"I detected a certain dilation of pupils and a distinct smouldering in your eyes just then.  I think you were impressed.”

Sigh.   "Sheldon, it is nice to see a certain protectiveness in the mating partner.” she hesitated.   "And I myself did leap to your defense like a bear or lioness defending her cubs with Dr. Bentley and with our friends.”

Hmmn.  Frown. 

Lord, will the demands never end?...

"Guys.  Will you get over here?..." Leonard called. 

"Nobody orders my woman around, bitch!..." Sheldon replied.  Vaguely shaking fist.  As the group at table stared at him. 

"Sufficient?..." he eyed the beaming Amy. 

"'Bastard'.  Or simply 'man' would suffice.” Amy gently corrected.   "But, thank you.  Moon-pie.” she embraced him firmly. 

"Hands off my woman, men.  I'm brutally protective.” he pronounced.  Pulling chair for Amy. 

"That's enough, Sheldon.  Your animal nature's stimulated my feminine drives all too well.” she patted him.   "Any more and I won't be able to contain myself and we'll have to take refuge under the table in a publicly humiliating yet passionate tangle of our crazed bodies.” she noted matter-of-factly. 

"Mission accomplished, then.” he nodded, happily. 

"So I'm gaining.  ?" Penny's voice.  She now by the table, frowning at Leonard.  Chewing on a stalk of celery. 

"Oh.  Hi, honey.”

"I need to use the ladies room.  Sheldon, knowing this place so well, could you guide me?..." Amy asked.  Rising.  With flashing glance at Sheldon. 

Mission accomplished indeed.  Howard hissed to Raj. 

"Sit down.” Leonard frowned briefly.   "Penny.  I just meant.”

"The rats' gain in weight was tied to their enhanced neural firing and inability to clear neural receptors quickly enough as the rate exponentially increased.  I get it, Leonard.  I'd already surmised that and Raj and Howard watching me like lemmings following their leader clinched it.” she shook her head. 

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