Flowers for Sheldon..." Parts X, XI...

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Flowers for Sheldon...”

Summary: Leonard and the gang discover Sheldon has taken advantage of Penny's request for help with her binge drinking to make needed improvements. 

Disclaimer: BBT is all Chuck Lorre's. 

Part X. 

That afternoon. 

"Well I hope you're satisfied now, Leonard.” Sheldon regarded him.  Penny, Amy, Raj, Howard collected about the apartment door.  Leonard searched for keys.  Right pocket, honey.  Penny noted. 

"Right.  Sheldon.  All the neurologist said was that so far the initial tests show no obvious damage.  And do show a rather high rate of activity.  That's not enough to fill me with confidence about your little brain boosting experiment.” Leonard unlocked the door and opening, waved all in. 

"I'd say it was good news.” Penny, pausing by him and Sheldon.   "There's no sign of vascular trouble and no stroke, no vege-Penny.” she grinned. 

"This isn't a joke.” Leonard fumed.  She, sighing.  Sorry. 

"I'm concerned for you.  And I don't trust technology that's only been test-driven on rats.”

"And rabbits.  Though we did decide to abandon the rabbit experiments.” Amy, pausing. 

"And why was that?” Leonard stared at her.  Even Penny a tad nervous at that. 

"The little enhanced superbuggers figured out how to get into their mates' cages.” Amy, growling sound.   "A few more days and this would be Planet of the Rabbits.” she repeated the growl. 

"I love to hear her laugh.” Sheldon noted, contentedly. 

"Is that what that is?” Leonard stared. 

"Everything's gonna be fine, sweetie.” Penny patted his arm.   "Now, lets eat.  Then I gotta get to Cheesecake Factory.”

"You intend to continue that demeaning job at Cheesecake Factory?" Sheldon eyed her as the remaining group of himself, her, Leonard, and Amy followed Raj and Howard into the apartment.   "Woman, I made you a consort for a king.  Or better yet a theoretical physicist.  No offense, Leonard.”

"I prefer experimental physicists.” Penny grinned.   "And not only do I like working at the Factory.  Especially as they pay me.  But.” she gave a slightly stern look.   "You didn't 'make' me, Sheldon.  Lets get that straight right now.”

"Excuse me?” Sheldon eyed her. 

"You gave me a helping hand.  Which I appreciate.  Though one actually invented by Amy and her team.  Thanks, bestie.” she grinned at Amy, who grinned back.  Anytime, bestie.   "And a few great neural data recordings.  Including a lot of other great thinkers.”

"Perhaps you're right to be concerned, Leonard.  I do detect a streak of megalomania.” Sheldon hissed to Leonard. 

"Sweetie.  I'm grateful.  But I'm not your creation or your clone.  I'm still good ole Penny.” Penny insisted. 

"Right.  Good ole Penny.  Who can now lecture on string theory where before she thought string theory was something they used in making 'silly string'.” Sheldon sniffed. 

"Keep it up and I go back on-line to Dr. Bentley to tell him about your and Leonard's last month's observations.” she eyed him. 

He puffed up.  A shocked look. 

"You wouldn't dare.” he gasped. 

"'Dear Dr. Bentley.  '" she mimed typing.   "'To prove to you I wasn't faking for some game of Sheldon's, let me review the last month's table of results from the neutrino collection experiment Leonard was carrying out in conjunction with Sheldon's colleague at CERN'.  Now he'd never believe you'd allow data like that to get out.  It might be fun joining his team.” grin.   ".  becoming a physicist, even if part-time, like my boys.  Helping another team in the advancement of science.  Why I can see that Nobel prize on my shelf right now.”

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