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Secrets Keep On Being Secrets

"Nash?! Why are you following me?" "I want to walk with you to your favorite place." He says and his big smile shows on his face. I swear that his smile can light up the city. "So why are waiting for?" I say "After you Sky." He says. He walks after me, I hear his steps, and he walks really slowly, until we're going in the same pace. "Are we getting closer?" he asks "Yes, we do. I have question for you Mrs. Nash" "Go on it!" he says "Why you were so much nice to me in your first day here? I wasn't that nice to you" he looks at me "Listen, you looked like a nice person, so I tried to be nice to you too. Why you were so mean to me?" "I had bad day, I broke up from the idiot, and then, another idiot came!" "Ouch" he says. "Anyway you deserve better then the stupid, I can't even understand why he cheated you, you are amazing, and funny, and beautiful and" he blush "I mean, he's stupid" I laugh "Thank you Nash.

"Here it is!" I show him the place, I point at the lake, and in the blue water I see my shadow "Where are we?" he asks "In my favorite place" "No, I'm pretty sure that you took me here just to kill me" he says "Come on! You didn't saw the best part" "So there's more from that?" he looks helpless. "A lake?" he says "Yeah! What's better than that?" "I can give you a list of better places" he says. "Do you want to get in or not?" I finally ask "Okay, I'm coming" he says, he's taking off his shirt, his face red. And I have to say sorry to mal, she was right, because he is cute. He is looking at me "Somebody should get me help Sky" he says "Why?" "You looking so cute, I can die, will you save me?" he asks, he let his body to fall into the cold water "Are you alive?" "I guess so" he says, his hair is wet.

"Nash it is kind of embarrassing but can you hold me in the lake, I'm too short and I can't stand there" he looks at me with shine eyes "Don't feel embarrassed, I'll hold you" "Are you going to jump or that you are waiting to the prince with the white horse to push you?" he stands with clasped hands "Very funny!" "I know" he says. I jump right into his arms "Hey" he say "Do you have a girlfriend" "No" he's looking to the trees; his heart beats faster and faster. "Whether you kissed?" I asked, and he blushes "No" I sigh "Come on Nash, good looking guy like you never kissed, or you lying or that legend" he laugh. "What is your hobby?" I ask him "Playing piano" I raise my eyebrows "Nice, damn it is getting late let's go" he smiles to me, his smile is big, from ear to ear. He's putting his towel around his shoulders. All those years I have never had true friend but Mal, but now I have Nash, I wish that we'll stay friends; I don't think that my life would be so much funny, maybe this year everything would end.

I see the building from far, and I already feel not free, they just lock us here, tell us what to do, when to do. And this is Marian that set all of this rules. I am going to my room; Nash is looking down to the ground "I don't if I'm ready to my first day" Nash say, and he seems nervous "I know, the first day is always the hardest, but Mal and I would help you pass it" I said, he smiles to me and diverts his gaze. "Good night Skyler. See you tomorrow. In my bed I feel safe, even though I don't. I close my eyes but I can't sleep at all, my head pull with thoughts, when I was with Nash I couldnt think about anything, but here alone, I think about everything. I take my earphones to listen to music; I do it a lot, especially when I can't sleep. I focus on the music, on the words, their meaning. Tear going down my face. Jacob have never loved me, he faked it for too much time. I hear knocks on my door "Hey" Nash is standing there "Have you cried?" he is asking, I nod my head. "Jacob?" I nod again "I'm here right now, no more tears when Nash is around right?" he's asking, his hand on my face, his thumb wipe my tears "No more tears" he is sitting on the floor, I'm on my bed "Leave it!" he's shaking my hands "Leaving it!" I'm yelling back to him "Now, he is asshole, you deserves better than him, you know this right?" "I hoped so" "You do" he says.

I open my eyes, yesterday's night was amazing, and I laughed like I have never laughed. I see a little note on my mirror "Good morning! See you on class. Nash" I smile, the little thing that he has done, made me smile, something that I forgot how to do in the last days. I'm looking at my closet; all I see is the same clothes that I wore every year, nothing changed. This year, I will solve my mother death, and I know who will help me. I go to the roof, because this is where Jordan is spending his day, every day. "Hey!" I call him; he is looking at me "Hey Sky!" "I need your help" "Talk" he says "I want to know who killed my mother and why, I already have someone that probably would help. Would you help me?" "I'm in" he say, his smile shows up. "I need to go to school" I say "You know where to find me sis" I nod.

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