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I walk to math class; I have never been good in math, if to be honest. "I can't do anything right now, not after we found out that Brook was part of it, why it seems that everyone is part of it?" I ask Tom that walks next me to math lesson "It's just another proof that we can't trust everyone." He says and I say "You right, since now, we are the final team. Nash, Mali, Jordan, January, you and me." I say and look at him, this is the end, and no one comes in, or comes out.

"Sit down class!" Blair the teacher to math says. I think that I have never mentioned her name. She's mean; I can swear that when she's not in school she's the devil. "Who havent done homework?" she's asking "I knew that I should not come today" I whisper to Tom "Yes Skyler? Have you said something?" Blair asks me "Nothing, have I said something Tom?" I look at him with a fake smile "No." he says and look at Blair "Good. Open your books at page 342, and do pages 342 until page 350." She says "She's crazy" Tom whisper to me "I agree with you man" I say.

I dont even know from where to start, all of those questions saying nothing to me, I can't understand, and I can't ask the devil, because she will kill me. So what I have left to do? "Tom?" "What?" "I need help I can't understand anything; it's like Chinese for me" I say "It's not that hard," he takes my notebook, he write a few things "This is the answer, have you understood something?" he smiles to me; I nod my head and say "No." he looks at me and then he starts to laugh. "What's so funny? That I'm an idiot in math?" I ask and laugh with him "Something like this." He smiles and looks back at his notebook.

I can't even focus math, not after everything that happened before, I mean, we just found out, that the only girl that we thought innocent, is not who we really thought that she is. It just seems like we can't trust anyone, does it mean that I should not trust Nash? Or Mali? Or Jordan? All of them are people that I do trust, but should I trust them I way I do?

I look at school for the last time "Will you miss it?" Nash holds my waist and looks at me "Even though I lost here a few good friends, or memories, I will miss it. At list now this school is clean from problems." I look at school "Now this is school for the unnatural creatures. Now they would have a place to be themselves." "And school for humans too." I add and laugh "I havent thought that I would end this way." I say "You had something different in your head?" he asks "Yes, I have to admit, I always thought that Jordan and Mali would ever be together, but I'm truly surprised that January survived with this jerk until now." "At list the ending is good, doesnt it?" he asks and smile "It is." I smile and look at Jordan kissing January at the car. "Stop kissing." I hit his head and laugh "Where were heading now?" Jordan asks "To LA." I say and smile.

I look back at my notebook, and all of the numbers get messy, I think that I will just give up. Juliana was good in math, in the old days, I mean, before Nash and Jacob, we was sitting together in the library and doing homework.

"I dont understand this question!" I hold the notebook and sit down next to Jordan "Hey Sky," he kiss me shortly "How are you?" "Good, where's Juliana?" I look for her in my eyes "She forgot her book in math class to she went to take it. What lesson you had now?" "Sport, I got first to the finish line" I smile "I am proud in you darling!" he kiss my cheek "Ugh, can you stop those kisses, I'm here!" Juliana looks at me "What about the new boy?" "Who?" she asks, I point at some boy "Nate?" "Isn't his name Nathaniel?" "No! It's just Nate." She looks at him and smile "I dont know, I mean," she looks at us "He is cute." She says "Yes he is." I say and smile.

When I think about this moment I dont remember the rest of this moment, more strange is that I dont remember Nate's face. Why I can't remember how he looked like? Maybe I'll Jordan.

"Sky" Tom tries to wake me up "She's coming!" he says "Skyler!" I hear Blair's voice "Yes devil" I say "What have you said?!" she yells at me, I wake up fast, my facial face shows that I have no idea what I have said "Come to my desk, when the bell ring will ring!" she yells. When she turns her back the ring is ringing "In a second thought," she says and looks at me "Come now!" I wake up and go after her "What going on you Skyler?" she asks nicely; I think that this is the first time that I see the devil nice "I remember you as one of my best students! You were brilliant! Why you have changed?" she asks "Juliana died, in front of my eyes, my mother and father are dead, and since lately, also one friend of mine, Brook, died. I think consider the circumstances, I can be sad sometimes." I say and get out of class.

I need to search Jordan, before the training, I have to ask about Nate. Something is weird, not only the fact that I dont remember anything about him, the fact that he just disappeared. Where is he?

I see January in the music room "Hey," I open the door and say to her "Do you know where Jordan is? I need to ask him a few questions." I say "Umm, I think that he's outside with Nash." "What they're doing together outside?" I ask "Boys talk. I tried to sit down there, but it hasn't worked, Jordan pushed me and said 'Its a boy's talk.'" She laughs "What they have to talk about? What nail polish should Nash put for prom?" I ask and laugh "I dont know. But I you would have more succeed then me, tell Jordan I have to talk to him." I nod "I will tell him that." I say.

I walk outside and see Jordan and Nash, sitting and talking. Sometimes Jordan laugh and sometimes Nash laugh. I go to them "Hey boys! Move!" I say and sit between them "Darling," Nash says, but I complete his sentence "Its boys talk. I know, but what I'm going to ask is much important." "So ask it." Nash says "Jordan, two things." I say and look at him "First, January said that you two need to talk," he starts to wake up, but I catch his shoulder and stop him from waking up "Second, Do you remember Nate?" "Who?" he asks "Nate, he was Juliana's boyfriend, for short time, but still" I say "Oh! I understand who you talk about!" he smiles "Good, now, tell me how he looks like." His facial face shows me what I was most afraid of, we both dont remember him "I dont remember how he looked like." Jordan says "It's so weird! Because I dont remember him either." I say to Jordan "Wait, what about Adam?" I smile "He's our last hope." I say.

"I know that in Thursday he's playing soccer, so I guess that he's with the rest of the boys." He says. We're heading to the soccer field to find Adam; I guess that he might have the answer that I'm looking for. Even if he won't remember anything about him, it means something.

"Adam!" I yell to him "We need to talk about something important!" I yell once again, I hope that I won't lose my voice. "Okay, let's go to sit down." He goes and sits down at some bunch "What is it about?" he asks "Do you remember Juliana?" Jordan asks "Of course Jordan! She was my biggest love!" he says "Jordan, shut up and let me talk," I says "Do you remember someone called Nate?" "Yes, he was her boyfriend before me." I nod "How does he look like?" I ask "I remember only his eyes; it was brown eyes." he says "Not helping at all." Jordan says, I hope that he havent gave up so early "Why you're asking?" he asks me "We both," I look on Jordan "We dont remember how he looked like. It's weird that you do remember him." "I havent met him; I met him one time, thats all. But I do remember some things that happened then." He says "Like?" I ask him "That she was disappearing to meet him; she was disappearing from school once a month. I dont know to where." "Secret keepers" Jordan whispers "What?" Adam asks "Nothing, thank you Adam, you can go back to play." I say "You're an idiot, have anyone told you that?" I ask Jordan when Adam left "Yes, Mali told me that, a lot of times." "Jordan," he looks at me "I think that someone deleted our memories." "Which memories?" "Each memories that Nate was part of. Someone really wanted him to be forgotten." I say.

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