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Dark magic

"Here she is!" Mali comes into the room, and she brought a guest "The bitch arrived." She adds. "What have you done?" I hold Jordan's hand, we are more powerful then she imagined, she lies on the wall, when I say "Lolium multiflorum." My hand is in the shape of a punch, like I holds her neck, even though I'm very far from her "He told me to do it!" she tries to fight against my powers "Who?" I ask "Liam." Then, I leave her neck and she falls on the ground.

"How he keep on getting into school?" I ask "I don't know, there's some place that you haven't spelled with the protection spell." She looks at Mia "I don't know where it is. I just know that he keeps on getting into school from where." She says "I don't care, heal Nash." I say "I can't." "What have you said?" I ask, I try to look calm, but it doesn't work "He'll kill me." "Just do it!" I yell "I can't!" "Amber," Mia is saying "If you won't heal him, be sure that you'll expelled from school, and that your powers will be taken." Amber looks at her; I see hopeless looks in her eyes "Please, don't make me choose him over myself." She says "Sometimes you must sacrifice." Mia says, I amazed by how she's calm, like she control the situation. "Save him, I will protect you, and I will teach you how to control your powers, you won't save him, I will take your powers and then you'll on your own outside, with no one to protect you." Mia says, Amber thinks for a few minutes, and then she says "Okay, move."

I watch her saying some spell that I haven't got the chance to meet "What is that spell?" I ask Mia, but I can't take my eyes off her, I scared that she'll regret "This is a very difficult healing spell, from a few centuries ago. I haven't told you about it because it's very hard spell, if you are doing it wrong, even one wrong diction of a word, and the person you try to save die." She says, I look at Nash, a worried look is in my eyes, I worried about his faith, what would I do if she'll tell some word wrong?

"I'm done." She turns to us "He'll wake up soon, but not in the following hour, it will some time to influence." She says and goes to the door "Amber," Mia say "Wait for me in my office." She says and Amber nods, I think that this is the only time I saw her that scared "Don't worry Skyler, he'll be fine." Mia says and goes out "Are you guys going?" I ask "I need to rest, I feel like I can't move." "I need to eat, I'll come later." I smile to them but it doesn't show what I really think. What friends are they? They leaving them best friend, because they don't feel well, but so does I! My whole body hurts, I feel like I've been kicked and punched all over my body.

But still, I sit down, next to Nash, and shut up, because I know that if he was here instead of me, he wasn't leaving this room. Not until I'll wake up.

After an hour, he still lies there, and all I can think about is what if it hasn't worked? What if it was too late to save him? After two hours I sit down the chair, and I fall asleep. When I wake up the sun is almost up in the sky, and I feel a warm hand holding mine, only then I see Nash, and he's watching me "You watched me while I was sleeping?" I ask and smile, for now; I put my thoughts on hold. "Maybe" he smiles at me "It's creepy." I scratch my eyes "No it isn't!" he says "Yes it is Nash." I laugh and sit next to him on the bed.

"You know," he looks into my eyes, his hand around my shoulder "There was a moment that I thought that this is ended. I had no idea what I'd do without you. I was so scared." I admit to him "But it's not the end darling, if I'll die, it's only because I fought, but I wasn't able to beat them. Not because a bitch decided that I need to take a nap." He smile and laugh with me.

"Wake up," he says "I think that I own you something, for trying to save me." He taps some buttons on the radio "From where is it?" I ask "I took it from Mia's office before you woke up." He says, a romantic song is played in the background "Would the beautiful lady would dance with me?" he asks "She will." I can't say no to his beautiful, shining smile. His left hand holds mine, and his right hand holds my waist, I lay my head on his shoulder, and I can feel his breath on my shoulder. We just move easily from side to side, when the sunset shines on us.

Today is the day; I go to buy with Mali clothes for the summer prom. Two days later I meet Cassandra, and then the prom.

"Mali!" I yell to her "Are you ready?!" she asks me "Yes! I have never been more ready!" "Will go more one hour, until then I thought that we should do something" she holds my hand and take me out "Where we're going to?' I ask "To search the sign that your parents have left for you!" she says and smile. We stand in front of the school "Maybe it's in the back?' she asks "Maybe" I follow her steps; I look for a sign, something that might be hidden, but I don't seem to find it. "Mal, we have walked around school twice, maybe this rumor, is just a rumor" I say "Do a location spell." She says "Okay, but I don't promise that it'll work. Rivelazione." I say and I feel a strong feeling that something leads me to somewhere, I think about my parents, about my father, about my mother, about the sign that they left for me to find.

"Mal! I think I found it! Follow me!" I yell and start to run; it feels like someone is pushing me to there. I close my eyes and run, I let this feeling carry me, but when I open my eyes, I see something I haven't expected. "Happy birthday Sky!" I see Nash holding the cake, trying to not drop it. But he keeps his smile on his face. I see everybody here, Mali, Jordan, Nash, January, Adam, Tom, Mia, Harper, Sarah, and me.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Skyler, happy birthday to you!" they all singing to together, even though no one knows how to sing, but January, it sound good. "Oh my god! Thank you everyone!" they run to me and hug me all "You're sixteen rights now!" Nash kisses my cheek. "Let's sit down!" Mali says "For first, I wish you luck, and love and happiness, that you'll succeed in school, even though you already do. Mali asked us to go; she wanted you all to be alone together. So that's the part that Harper Sarah and me go," she smiles at me, then she gets closer and whisper "Save me a piece from the cake okay?' she asks "I'll try my best!" I say and laugh.

"Now, we will tell you what we wish for you, and I'll start," Mali says and Jordan sigh too loudly "Jordan, I heard it, if you don't want to end with a cake in your face, you should shut up," she says with fake smile "For first," she starts once again, but Jordan sighs again, only to make fun, Mali wake up when he's looking on Nash, she takes a piece of the cake in her hand and say "Hey Jordan!" he looks at her and she throws the cake on his face, Nash just sits there, in total shook. "Next time I'm talking, don't sigh." He wake up while he wipe the cake off his face, Mali hear me laughing so she turns to me "What's so funny?" she asks, I see Jordan's mad face, but its funnier when he's full in cake, he holds a cake in his hand and say "Hey Mali!" when she turn he push the cake to her face, and he smash it "Jordan!!" she yells "It's a war!" she yells once again, than his eyes wide awake and he starts to run, Mali so full of cake that she can't see anything, but she do hear his steps on the grass "Tell me something," Nash sits next to me, he looks at Mali that fight Jordan, they both fight like two years old kids "How each social event ends when Jordan fight with Mali?" he looks at me "I think that it became a rule, there is not an social event if Jordan and Mali don't have fight." he chuckle "I think you're right." He looks at Jordan, he lies down on the grass, and Mali put a piece of cake in his hair "No!!! My hair!!!" he yells, the next sound we hear is Mali's laugh "She have the witch laugh" I explain to Nash.

"Listen" they both show up, full of cake, Jordan has cake in his hair, and Mali has cake on her glasses "I go to do a shower, and then we go okay?" she asks and I smile and nod. "She's crazy!" Jordan sits next to January; she takes cakes pieces out of his hair "she's defiantly something special." Nash agrees.

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