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Are we friends? Or are we enemies?

Some noise outside the door. And then there's knocks "Who is it?" I walk slowly to the door "It's me" I open and see Mali's face."I need to talk to you" I look madly to her "What do you want?" "I got some note" she says, her hand search something in her jeans pocket. "I came to my room and then the note just been there" she give me the note, I need to forgive her, she was sad because Nash broke up with her, or because of other things. I look at the note.

Dear Mali,

You probably have no idea who am I, or what I want from you, but there are some secrets that your parents haven't told you about. All you need to do is to wait; soon the whole family will be together again. No one will take you from me.


"Who is Victoria?" I ask "I have no idea" she says. "Come in" I say.

"Do you remember the day that I told you about my parents? That they died?" she nods "Nash, Jordan and I trying to find out who did, and I want you to be part of it" she looks at me "You really want me as your friends again?" she asks, her eyes are shine like she is crying, but she is not. "I would like to. I tried to look like I don't care at all about the fact that I lost you, as friend and as a sister" she say "I can finally talk to you! About everything" she says "I'm glad that we're talking again" "I need to tell you something, if we want to be friends again" she says "You and Nash kissed" she says "Yes we did. How do you know?" "The girls that I've been with last month know everything" she says "What about you? Do you have someone special in your heart?' "Not since Nash. I need time. What about Jordan? Have he found someone?" "I think so. What you think about January?" I ask "Well, she's very nice" she says "You look like you don't know what to say" she says to me, she's worried, I can see it in her eyes "I just don't know from where to start" I say back. "Tell it from the start" she looks calm, like she's in yoga class, and like anything that I'll say won't make her mad. "So" I start.

She is listening to every word that I say, and with each sentence she wants more to know, like nothing is enough. Like she needs it like it it's air.

"I would like to help you" she says "I would like to use your help" I smile to her, in a hope that she truly believe that I trust her. "I'll see tomorrow in the dining room?" she asks, I nod. When she's already next to the door she stops "I'm so happy that we're talking again" she says "Me too".

I go to my bed, and I cover myself, and I just smile. The stars on my walls shine, and me too. I wake up to Mali's face "Can I play your guitar?" she ask "Go for it!" she sits down next to my bed and she starts to play, her hands feels in home on guitars, it's have always been her thing. She once went to New-York to talk with her mother, and she bought me this guitar. I hear the soft sounds, and I think how amazing is the fact that such a little think doing so much beautiful sound. "I want something new" she says "Like what?" I ask, she wakes up, her hands touches my hair "Do you plan to kiss me?" I ask "No" she laughs "Maybe we'll cut our hair?" she says "Why not?" I ask.

When Mali wants something, be sure that she'll get it. I stand next to my bath, she holds my hair, and slowly I see it falling into the bath. "Now do a shower" she looks at me happily "Okay" I say and point at the door. The warm water is on my skin, the shower time is the best time to think, maybe before bed? I don't know. There are a lot of moments that you can think, about everything.

I hold the towel around my body, I put clothes. But when I look up, to my mirror, I don't even make sound. "Mal!" I yell "What happened?" she opens the door, scared "It's amazing" my fingers goes through my hair "I know" she says "I hope that Nash would love it" I say "And Jordan?..." she asks "He will" "Doesn't it too short?" I ask, not sure that it look the best "No, it's just until your shoulders" she says "Thanks" I say to her, she open her arms to me, and I hug her.

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