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Hey mother!

"You know that you're father and I are very upset, we thought that you'll write to us, at list a one letter." "What do you what Elizabeth?" he asks "To take you home darling, to London!" London? How? He doesnt have British accent "I'm not coming back. Why do you even care?" he asks "I heard how many kids have died here, I want to take you somewhere safe!" she says "Here is safe!" he says "No! Home is safe!" "Here is my home, which means that I stay here." He says and cross his arms "Who are you sweetheart?" she asks me "Keep her out of it." He remains to be calm "Dont you understand that I do it for your own good?!" she yells "The good thing that you did was to send me to here! And I'm not coming back." Suddenly Mia come outside "Sorry what's happening here?" she asks "I'm Nash's mother, I came to take him home." She says "Nash is he your mother?" "Unfortunately yes." He says "Do you want to go home?" Mia asks "No, not at all." "So I'm sorry, you can't take him against his will." Mia says "What do you find in this place?!" Elizabeth yells on him "Kids died here each moment, and not because this is ugly school, because they're week, this school makes them week!" his mother yell, he holds her neck, ready to hold it harder "No, they are strong, more than you would ever be." He leaves her "Now go, and I suggest that you won't come back." "Fine." She takes her bag and goes into the big car that she came with.

Nash goes up to the roof "Have she harmed one of you?" Mia asks "No." I answer and go after Nash. When I get there he sits alone, his hands around his legs, and he looks down. "Nash?" I sit next to him "What happened there?" I ask "Do you remember that I told you here before a few months that I came to here because I did a few bad things?" "Yes because of the kids," I say but he stops me "No, it was because of other reason, I lied. My real mother Emma, found out that my father betrayed her with Elizabeth, so they divorce, and she lost the case, because they thought that she can't raise me. So they took me from her, and a few weeks later she founded in her apartment dead, she suicide." A tear comes down his face "I loved her, she was my mother, and because of them!" he looks at me, his eyes are red, he cried before I came "Because of them she is dead now!" "Hey!" Juliana shows up "Juliana its bad time can you ask to be replaced for today?" I ask, and she nods "Nash's mother Emma Jones." She smiles and nods "Wait!" she looks at me "Nash would see her right? She's his mother" "He will." She smiles "Nash, I have guest" he looks at his mother "Mom!" he yells and hug her. She has a blond hair, and green beautiful eyes, Nash only got her smile, with the dimples. "I'll give you two some time to catch up" but before I go, Emma catch my hand "Thank you Skyler." I nod and smile.

I go to the library to learn a bit, I really need to focus on school, I need those grades, I know that if my mother would have been here now she was saying 'I love you baby, and I'm proud in you! Work hard in school! Work hard, and dream big!'

I keep on writing my work about Martin Luther king.

I wish that someday, we all will love each other, without any difference, because we ARE equal, we just dont treat to each other that way. I wish that someday, will be peace, no more wars, we all will respect each other. I wish that someday people would love them life, they would love it so much that they won't take them life. I wish that we all be better. And if you're asking, that's all I wish for.

The night is coming, I can see the moon light from the window, I cannot wonder, is the moon yellow, or the moon is white? "I think that this is yellow." An old voice, that in memories, is not remember as good "What do you want Jacob?" "To sorry." "It would never work for you, I would never forgive you! Not after you've done." I try to be clam, but only his face makes me nerves "I know that you still feel something to me. Even if you can't admit it." He holds my hand. And then I punch his nose "Next time I will make sure that it'll hurt more." I say and shake his hand off mine.

I wake up and go to my room, in that kind of moment I wish that Juliana was here, she always knew what to say. And she have never had a doubt if I say the truth. She was a true friend "I wish I could read your mind, oh, wait! I can! I know that I'm the best friend that you would ever find!" she says "Juliana, wait Nash?" "Finished the talk with his mother, he went to his room, to shower." "It's weird that you know what he is doing right now." "I can tell you" she has an evil smile on her face, and I know what she want the answer to be "Okay! What Nash is doing right now?" I ask "Okay," she closes her eyes, I lie on my desk and I look at her "He sits on his bed, reading a book!" "Wow, people dont do those things anymore! What a surprise!" I say "Wait, it's not a book" "So what is it?" I ask "A diary. I can read the cover it's wrote in a handwritten 'Julia diary' I have to say that I like her name. Anyways," she opens her eyes "Who is she?" she asks "It's Jordan's mother, why would he read it?" "Have something happened to her?" "Since she gave him away, he hasn't heard from her, but she gave him this diary. I need to talk to Nash." I wake up and go to his room.

"Nash! Open the door!" I yell "Is everything okay?" "Why do you read Julia's diary?" I ask "Jordan, he wants to find his mother, and I wanted to help him." "Okay, have you found something interesting?" "No, actually her diary reminds me your mother's diary, but I guess that it's just a coincidence" "I guess so" I say too. "Sorry I bothered you," "You haven't, and Sky thanks for today, you are amazing, and I love you." I smile and his hand holds my face, his hand in warm on my skin "Love you too." I kiss him and go; I feel his eyes watching my back while I go away. But then, I run back, right into his arms "You really thought that I would leave you so easily after you told me you love me?" I smile "I told you that thousand times." He holds me close, his hands on my waist, our lips so close, and I can't wait, I pull him closer, his lips on mine, it feels warm and good, he lies on the door's lintel "I need to go to sleep before they'll turn the lights off." He kisses me again "Good bye." he leaves my hand, that when he held it, it was warm, now, now its cold.

There are only a few things left:

To meet Cassandra.

To find Jordan's mother.

To find a dress for the summer prom.

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