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Old friendship wont last to forever...

"Yes, but Sky, it's more complicated then you and Nash." "No it doesn't." I say "Yes it is! Adam was your dead best friend boyfriend." I sigh "That's the thing, he was. He's not anymore," I say "Actually it's not complicated as you think it is." I say and go.

Mia waits for us outside, when we go outside I go straight to the car "Let's go to eat girls, because I dont know what about you, but I'm starving." Mia sits in the front seat. This drive was much shorter than the last one; I can feel the uncomfortable feeling in the air. I thought that this day might be good. But I remember something that Marian once told me when I was very young.

I sit next to Marian, she holds my hand, today was bad, and it's never getting better, year after year, my mother's memorial ceremony. But today was the worse, Jordan left school, I dont have anyone "Skyler," she looks at me "Remember, if you want to be happy, you have to be sad sometimes. Because happiness comes along with sadness." She hugs me. "And we also have a new student, in your age, Mali," she looks at the door "You can come in." And there she stands, beautiful girl standing in the door, waiting to meet me. "Hey, I'm Mali." She says "I'm Skyler." I smile to her.

Marian wasnt bad all the time, it started lately, when she started to have problems with her husband, he cheated on her, and he wanted to divorce, it broke her heart, it made it stone. That no one can bring back to life. I can remember the yells from her office, how mad and obsessive she became with the time.

"What's going on Maria?" Mali asks me "I have no idea." "Since I moved she because insane! Do you think that this is because of me?" she asks while we walk to the roof "Why you think that?" I ask her "I havent moved to this school because of my parents, this is the police, it was or that I'll go to a boarding school or that I'll go to jail for teens." She says "What have you already done?" I ask "Trust me Skyler; you do not want to know." She says and smiles. "I always wanted a British accent, like yours." She sits next to me and looks right ahead to the sun "I dont know" "What you dont know Skyler? This accent is beautiful!" she says "I already got used to is, so I cannot see what's so beautiful in it." I smile and say "Well I do." she smile and say.

I look back at Mali, she lean on her hand, looking out of the window; I wonder what she thinks about. She saved me from myself that time. I was so sad, because I fought with Jordan, and I also lost Juliana, I had no one to be with, to talk to. But then, someday, this girl showed up and changed the rules of the game.

We stop when we arrive to some fast food restaurant. Mali walk after me and I walk after Mia, we both havent talked the whole ride. "What do you want to eat?" Mia asks me "French fries." I answer "Mali?" Mia looks at Mali "Same." She says and goes outside, Mia looks at me, she sees the look on my face "Dont worry, she'll be okay. Each good friends should have a fight sometimes to understand that you need each other more then you imagined." Mia smiles at me "Mia Hill!" the boy yells "Here!" Mia yells at him that he would see her "Take this to Mali, and solve this. She waited to this day a long time." She says "Thank you Mia." "For what Skyler?" she smiles at me "Everything." I say and go outside.

"Hey" I say to Mali and hand over the French fries to her "Hey" "Listen Mali, I'm sorry, I shouldve say how happy I am for you. And I do." she looks at me, I smile at her and she smiles to me, but not for long "And I shouldve told you about us. You were telling me." "I say, let's put it in the past." I say "I say yes." She says and starts to eat.

"Hey girls!" Mia shows up with salad in her hands "Salad?" Mali asks her "Yes, Harper gave me a pretty long speech about that I should eat healthier," Mia says and eats some tomato "Anyways, now she's always looking at my plate, it's a bit annoying, anytime I get some candy or something she just take it from me!" Mia says and Mali laughs. "You know, it's nice." I say "What's nice?" Mia asks me "That you are like one of our friends. You are nice, and funny, and it's nice, not a lot of people act the same as you." "I try to be myself, but only outside school, inside I need to be authoritative, that the other will learn how to behave." She says.

"Have you brought everything to the prom?" Mia asks us "Yes, we can go back." Mali opens the car's door "Great. Skyler," she sits and asks me "Are you ready for the meeting with Cassandra?" "No, physically yes, mentally not." "Dont worry, she wouldnt dare to do something, it'll start a bigger war." Mia says "Dont be so sure, I talked to my mother, she told that she knew your mother, Skyler," she says and looks at me "And that she also knew Cassandra, and that she's totally crazy person. And that its a miracle that they are alive today." Mali says. "Thanks for making me feel confident." I say to her we laugh "To put music ladies?" Mia asks and I nod and yell "Yes!"

The moon shows up, but the sun is still up above, we have been out all day, and I will miss this day, to be with my best friend that made me shine again. Only now I understand how much I need my friends, how important they are to me. Each one of them. I made a few bad choices in my life, and I have each lucky that I have friends like Mali, or Jordan, that helped me to pass each bad time in my life. Like the time that I was with Jacob, I dont believe that I loved him, even if I did, he didnt. But I believe that everything that happens happens for a reason, if I wasnt breaking up from Jacob, maybe I was with him today and not with Nash, maybe I was dancing with him in the summer prom.

Maybe everything could be different. Maybe if I wasnt trying to find out what happened to my mother, Nash and I wasnt kissing, because we were in the woods, after we went to my father's house. Maybe I wasnt having such a good friends right now. Maybe the whole world could change, but I dont want to change anything that happened to me here, this year, or in the years before, because like I already said, those things needed to happen.

"Today you have another train right?" Mia asks us when we arrive school "Yes, the train is" Mali looks at the clock that she bought "Right now." "So go now! I'll put it in your room Mali." Mali smiles to her and starts to run, and I follow her.

I run to the toilet to change "Do it fast!" Mali yells while she tries to change her clothes "I'm ready!" we get out and yell together "Mali." I look at her "What?" she's looking at me "You wore the shirt on the wrong side." She looks at her shirt "Fuck!" she open the cell and slam the door behind her. "Can you wait for me?" she asks "Yes, but do it fast." I say. We walk right next to each other, when I open the door, everyone is looking at me "Where the two of you been?" Harper asks "We went to London with Mia to buy to everyone dresses. Girls, your dresses is in my room, before prom come to me to get ready, and boys, suits is in Nash's room, take it from there." Mali says "Mali, what girls are you talking about, its January you and me." I say to her "Okay stand next to your partner. You missed a few things, they will explain to you." Harper says "What have I missed?" I ask Nash and he smiles to me.

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