💙 Chapter Two 🖤

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*Trigger Warning: Self hate, self harm, body negativity*

'No, you don't want to meet me.' Evan wrote before adding more hearts and smiley faces to his other leg.

"Yeah I do, this guy I met told me to. Well, not exactly, but it was heavily implied ;)" Connor wrote, then thought to himself, 'God, this isn't me I sound so cliche.'

"That's nice, but I don't think it's a good idea. I'm okay, I'm just writing song lyrics on my leg, okay?" Evan wrote, desperately trying to fool his soulmate.

"It's a great idea, why are you so hesitant? And I know that's not the only reason why you wrote those words on your leg." Connor wrote.

"Because you'll hate me once you meet me." Evan wrote.

"I won't hate you, you're my soulmate." Connor wrote.

"Okay, I'll give you my address, will that make you stop?" Evan wrote.

"Yeah, thanks." Connor wrote.

Evan wrote down the address, and after a bit, started writing on his thigh again. "fat" "squishy" "chubby" and "just a little bit thinner, and maybe I'll get there" was what he wrote. He was listening to music no one else listened to and was thinking about what he had been called that day.


Connor cheered up at the sight of the address, then got into his car, and went to the address. He felt tingles on his body, wanting to check what they were, but also not wanting to crash. He drove at incredible speeds from being so excited, and finally knocked on his soulmates door.

Evan quickly got into the shower, thinking it was his mom. He started scrubbing off the words, hoping his soul mate hadn't read what he wrote.


Connor waited around at the doorstep for a while, and noticed some marks fading away. He only could make out a few letters and couldn't make out what it said. He knocked on the door every few minutes, determined to meet his soulmate today.

Once the words were faint enough, Evan got out of the shower, drew a few red lines on his thigh, and got dressed. He still heard knocking and knew it wasn't his mom, so he made his way downstairs.

Connor felt tingles on his thigh, and looked down to see red lines. 'At least it's drawn, right?' Connor thought, trying to reassure himself and not worry too much. He knocked on the door again, hoping someone would finally come.


"H-hi," Evan mumbled when he opened the door.

"Evan Hansen? It's you!" Connor said, ecstatic that he finally found his soulmate, and pulled the blonde into a tight hug.

"Alright! Best day of my life! But we need to do serious talk today too, so it could end up being a terrible day."

"Um... serious talk?" Evan questioned, confused.

"I need to know the reasons behind what you write," Connor replied seriously.

"Oh... um, it's nothing. Don't worry," Evan said, putting on a smile.

Connor lifted up Evan's face, looking deeply into his eyes. "No more faking, we're a team now," Connor said sternly.

"It's a long story..." Evan whispered.

"Then I'll be here to listen." Connor said with a reassuring smile.

Once again, this is a collaboration with sophia_lopez28 so be sure to check her out!

Total Word Count: 553 Words

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