💙 Chapter Four 🖤

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*TW: suicide mention, self harm, anxiety attack, fighting, drug usage*

"Because it's fucking true! Why can't you see that?!" Connor yelled at Evan. His manic side was taking over and he couldn't control it.

Hearing Connor yelled made Evan worse. He was shaking, crying and having difficulty breathing, but Connor didn't notice.

Connor was getting frustrated and was about to give up on Evan when he saw what was happening. Without saying a word, Connor ran to Evan and hugged him. "In for seven, hold for four, out for eight," He said, trying to help Evan.

"D-don't touch me!" Evan exclaimed, trying to shove Connor off of him.

"Jesus Christ, I'm trying to fucking help you!" Connor yelled, about to punch Evan. Then he saw the pitiful look in Evan's eyes that made him decided otherwise.

"C-can you just go?" Evan mumbled.

"I'm not going to leave you! Just 'cause I'm screaming doesn't mean I don't fucking care! God, why does everyone think that?!" Connor was conflicted, and ended up meshing his ideas together.

"S-stop yelling. Please," Evan practically begged in a whisper.

Connor recollected his thoughts and realized his mistake. "I-I'm sorry. God, I'm a dick. Okay, I won't yell, just don't fucking push me away."

"Y-you should go. N-now. Please," Evan mumbled.

Connor felt his stomach twist. "I just fucking warned him about pushing me away... I swear to god I'll-" Connor stopped his thoughts, and took a deep breath. "I'm going to stay," He told the blonde calmly, trying not to yell or cuss again.

"N-no, you're going to leave." Evan said, needing to be alone.

"No bitch, I'm not," Connor said calmly, despite wincing at himself cussing. "You need help, and I'm going to give you it."

"If you're not leaving, t-then I am," Evan said, before heading towards his bedroom door.

Connor reached out for Evan's hand. He stopped, taken back by the softness and warmth of Evan's hand. He quickly snapped out of his daydream and pulled Evan back to him. "You're not going anywhere."

"N-no. I'm going to the bathroom whether you like it or not," Evan said, trying to pry away from Connor.

Connor held onto Evan tighter, not letting him leave. "Well, then I'm going with you." Connor stood up, still holding onto Evan tightly. He realized this, and loosened his grip so he wouldn't scare Evan.

"L-let go of me! I want to be alone! G-go home!" Evan told Connor, trying not to cry.

"Jesus Christ, how many times do I have to tell you that I'm staying?! You obviously need help, and can't read the signs for shit. I have to stay," Connor told Evan.

"S-stop yelling at me. All you're doing is making things w-worse. I'm not going to kill myself, I swear."

"Fine then! Go! I'll wait here!" Connor was becoming more angry, and trying less to hide it.

"Y-you're going to go home. I'm sure y-your parents are worried. Plus, y-you need to shower and eat." Evan said as he got out of Connor's grasp. "G-goodbye now. I'll t-talk to you tomorrow," Evan said, trying to get Connor to leave.

"Well my parents don't give a fuck, I don't eat, and I showered this morning, so no." Connor wouldn't give into Evan, at least he would try to convince him that he would stay.

"Y-you need to eat. And I'm sure y-you've smoked since then. Y-you're leaving. My mom doesn't like me having people o-over." Evan knew the last part was a huge lie, his mom would be ecstatic if he talked to a new person, let alone had one over. Connor didn't need to know that, though.

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