🖤 Chapter Three 💙

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*TW: suicidal thoughts, bullying, body shaming, self harm mention, anixety attack, fighting. *

"D-do you want something to eat or drink? Then c-could we go to my room?" Evan asked Connor.

"Yeah. Sounds good," Connor replied.

"O-okay. Let's go then," Evan mumbled.


"So, what do you think?" Connor asked.

"W-what do I think?" Evan questioned.

"About being soulmates," Connor clarified.

"I-it's nice, I guess," Evan replied.

"Yeah. I'm sorry that you're stuck with me," Connor said, feeling bad for the adorable blonde. He knew that even if he learned to love Evan, it would be unrequited.

"N-no don't be sorry. I'm the one who should be sorry," Evan said, knowing all he would give Connor stress.

"Why? You're so cute and nice. I'm the bipolar jerk," Connor said, pitting Evan. He couldn't even love himself, how was he going to be able to love Connor?

"N-no I'm not. I'm the freak with anxiety and depression. You don't deserve to have to deal with me," Evan said sadly.

"You're not a freak, especially compared to me. Anxiety is conquerable, I'll be here with you," Connor said, trying to reassure Evan.

"So, um... what's the serious talk?" Evan asked nervously.

"A-and you're not a f-freak," Evan added.

"Thank you, and I need to know why you don't like yourself -" Connor took a deep breath, trying not to upset Evan "I need to know why you're suicidal. I don't think I could live without you."

"I-I'm not suicidal. I just don't like myself, and I feel e-empty inside. I draw the lines instead of actually h-hurting myself..." Evan said, scared of how Connor would react.

"Okay." Connor stopped for a breath. "Are you scared of me? You cower whenever you talk." Connor was afraid he had already lost the trust of the person he was supposed to be with for the rest of his life.

"I-it's a habit, I guess... I just don't want you to get upset and yell at me..." Evan whispered.

"I wouldn't..." Connor stopped, thinking, then said, "Unless I wasn't taking my meds, which I am, so you're fine," He said, trying to cheer Evan up.

"That isn't really helping..." Evan mumbled, feeling terrible.

"Fuck, sorry. Um... how's your day going then?" Connor asked, wanting to facepalm. 'Great first impression.' Connor thought as he smiled at Evan.

Evan flinched at hearing Connor swear, but decided to look past it. "Um... okay, I guess."

"Just okay?" Connor questioned.

"Yeah, only okay... too much has happened," Evan replied.

"What happened?" Connor asked.

"U-um, well, t-the bullies attacked me again. T-they called me names. They called me-" Evan stopped for a moment trying not to cry. "They called me 'f-freak', 'fat, 's-squishy', 'chubby', and 'gr-gross' just like they always do." Evan stopped again, taking a deep breath. "T-then you saw what I wrote. It happens at different times for everyone, I k-know, I just never thought it would happen to me." Evan could barely say the last word, but he knew he had to keep explaining. "S-so you seeing it and wanting me to e-explain was hard. I didn't know what to say, so I-I tried to hide it. B-but it didn't work..." Evan said, staring at the floor. "Y-you got upset and now you're here." Evan mumbled the last part, wanting to look up at Connor. He pulled his legs to his chest, wrapped his arms around his leg, and kept staring at the floor.

"Hey, none of that is true. Trust me," Connor stopped and looked at Evan and started again, "Are you having a panic attack?"

"I-it is true. Also, I'm not having a panic attack, I'm just anxious and upset..." Evan mumbled.

Connor patted Evan's back to reassure him. "It's not true. There's no need to be anxious or upset. I will be here for you all the way, we're a team now."

"Why do you keep saying that?!" Evan said, before starting an anxiety attack.

So sophia_lopez28 writes Connors part and I just edit it to make more sense in a story. I'm not sure when the next chapter will be out, but be sure to read it!

Total Word Count: 724 Words

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