🖤 Chapter Ten 💙

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"I h-hate to ask this, but have you taken your meds yet?" Evan didn't want to ask, they were cuddling and Connor was happy, but Evan knew he had to ask.

"Fuck, no. I'll be right back. They're in your bathroom right?"

"Y-yeah," Evan mumbled.

Connor got up and went to the bathroom. He grabbed the pills he was supposed to take today, filled a glass with water from the sink, then stood there. He didn't really want to take them, just flush then down the toilet. He stared at himself and the pills, then thought of Evan. "Take them," he grumbled to himself, then reluctantly swallowed. He left the bathroom and returned to Evan's side.

"Y-you took them, right? I d-don't want a repeat of the other day."

"Yes I did. That's not going to happen again."

"O-okay. Thank you," Evan said, glad to know that at least for a bit, he would have his Connor.

"Of course," Connor sighed, knowing that he did well by finally taking his meds.

Evan smiled and wrapped himself around Connor. He felt safe, and never wanted to let go.

Connor began to doze off in the hood of Evan, and eventually was asleep.

Evan smiled and let him sleep until it was about noon.


"Con. Hey, babe. Wake up. It's time for lunch," Evan said, gently shaking Connor.

"Hmmm, okay I guess.." he said groggily, turning his face into the pillow.

"Con~" Evan whined. He got off of Connor and stood up.

"Meh, I want to sleep..." he pouted before eventually getting up.

"You should've s-slept last night. Now it's time for me to make l-lunch."

"I couldn't! And do you need my help making lunch? I'm probably not much help but I should learn how to make stuff."

"You could hand me things and w-watch. I'm just going to make some canned c-chicken soup though."

"Okay, thanks.."

Evan smiled and grabbed Connor's hand. "I'll just need you to get two cans of soup out of the pantry, okay?"

"Yeah, I got it." Connor went into the pantry and saw the cans, grabbed them, and handed them to Rvan. "There you go! What else?!"

"Well, I'm just putting them into this pot and letting them heat up. Y-you could get out spoons and bowls."

Connor nodded, then opened the drawer for silverware. He went to grab the spoons but was stopped by seeing a blade. He stared at it for a few moments, torn between seizing it or crying, but ended up touching it and jumping back. He quickly got the spoons and slammed the drawer shut. He also grabbed the bowls from some cabinet.

"C-Con? Are you okay?" Evan was scared by the slam of the drawer, and knew Connor was upset.

"What? Yeah I- I'm fine. Why?"

"T-the s-slam, it just scared me a bit... Y-you said you wouldn't slam things."

"Sorry, just, got a little.. scared. I won't do it again. Are you okay?"

Y-yeah..." Evan took a deep breath and said, "The soup is done. Will you bring the bowls over here?"

Of course," Connor brought the bowls to Evan, then set them down.

Evan filled the bowls with soup, put the pot in the sink, and turned off the stove. "So, what scared you?"

"Oh, don't worry about it, doesn't matter. But this soup, it's- uh- amazing!" Connor avoided the question and plastered a smile to his face.

"Connor, you said you w-wouldn't lie to me anymore," Evan said sadly.

"I- ugh- fine. There- there were knives in the drawer.." he mumbled and leaned forward a bit.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know they were b-back in there."

"It's fine.. not your fault, anyway. I don't even know why I stopped to think about it, everything is perfect right now.."

"It's not y-your fault, Con. Don't beat yourself up over it," Evan said, trying to calm Connor down.

"But it is. I'm the one who thought about it, who did it," Connor spoke and tears threatened to spill.

"It's not, Con. I promise y-you. Just finish your soup and we'll cuddle and take a nap, okay?" Evan wanted Connor to calm down and didn't want him to cry.

"Fine.." Connor said, although he thought to himself, 'Do I really deserve to eat this? I lied and thought about cutting again.'

"Con, you deserve to eat. I n-need you to eat. So that your m-meds work and you d-don't y-yell at me."

"Okay fine.." Connor took small spoonfuls, but eventually finished. "What now?"

"Um... I don't k-know." Evan wasn't sure what Connor would want to do. "What do y-you want to do?"

"I don't know.. do you wanna go on a date?" Connor really thought he should be a gentleman and take Evan out.

"Where t-to?" Evan was already blushing and didn't care where they went.

"The movies? Or maybe the mall?"

"What about the i-ice cream place?"

"Perfect! I would love that!"

"O-okay." Evan smiled and hugged Connor.


I audition for drama tomorrow and I'm super excited!! Wish me luck!!

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