💙 Chapter Nine 🖤

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"Okay, let's go to the kitchen then, shall we?" Connor asked and offered his hand for Evan to grab.

"C-can you carry me?" Evan asked, not wanting to let go of Connor.

Connor flushed a bright red then said, "Uh- yeah." He picked Evan up bridal style then carried him to the kitchen, finally setting him on a counter.

"I'm sorry. T-that was dumb, but I-I liked it." Evan softly smiled and looked at Connor.

"It wasn't dumb, I thought it was cute." Connor smiled back then pecked Evan's cheek.

Evan blushed and looked away for a moment. "S-so what are we going to eat?"

"I don't care, anything really." Connor thought for a bit, then remembered something he hadn't had in awhile. "Waffles!"

"T-that sounds good, I just don't know how to make them," Evan said

"Don't you like, put them into a toaster?"

"I don't know. I thought you needed some fancy waffle maker."

"Huh. I don't know. Maybe we could look it up?" Connor couldn't believe himself. He was trying to avoid eating, again. As much as he didn't want to, the words poured out of his mouth.

"I-it's not that big of a deal. We could have eggs and toast." Evan didn't want Connor to feel bad, and really just wanted to eat so he could cling to Connor again.

"But- but waffles seem.. so good! Please?" Connor really shouldn't have continued, but here he is.

"I-I mean we could go somewhere and get waffles I guess..." Evan mumbled.

"No.. I'm broke at the moment.. I guess whatever you said earlier will be fine.."

"I'm sorry. M-maybe we have the stuff, I've just never looked for it. I-I'm not being very optimistic, am I?"

"It's alright, you're like a ray of sunshine compared to me. Could we look?"

"O-of course, babe," Evan said the last part quietly, not knowing if Connor would like it.

Connor felt a blush rise to his cheeks, wondering if Evan said what he sounded like he said. "What was that?"

"I-I said of course we'll look," Evan said quickly.

Connor's heart dropped a little, but he plastered a smile to his face. "Oh, okay." Connor turned away and started rummaging through random drawers.

"I love you, babe," Evan said the last part louder now, waiting for a reaction.

Connor heard it loud and clear this time, and was frozen in the moment. "I love you too, sweetie." Connor went over to Evan and hugged him tightly.

Evan smiled and hugged Connor back.


"You're making breakfast. I've made dinner and breakfast, so it's your turn," Evan said, trying to get out of cooking again.

"Um... how?" Connor questioned, embarrassment flooding him. The occasional meals he did eat were from some fast food place.

"That's up to you to f-figure out. Just d-don't burn my house down." Evan giggled and hopped Connor actually knew how to make something.

"What the fu-- okay, Google! It's time for your help!" Connor joked as he opened up his phone and looked up how to use a toaster.

"Y-you don't know how to use a t-toaster?" Evan laughed and then kissed Connor's cheek. "I'm going to the b-bathroom. I'll be back soon."

So Connor put the toast into the toaster, turned the dial for time, then pushed the button down. All was going smoothly, until the toast popped and he couldn't get it out. He stuck a knife into the toaster to stab the toast, but ended up creating sparks. He panicked and scribbled onto his hand, "Your toaster is evil!"

Evan ran downstairs. "C-Connor! You have to unplug the toaster. T-then you can tip it over and the toast will come out. You can't stick a knife into it, You could d-die from that." Evan pinched himself and walked over to Connor.

"Oh! Okay.." Connor grabbed the plug and yanked it out of the socket, then tipped the toaster over, and finally placing the toast on a plate. "Perfect."

"Dear God, it was just toast..." Evan mumbled to himself. "I'm s-so sorry, Connor. I'm so, so sorry."

"Why? What are you apologizing for..? It was just toast, I'll be more careful next time.."

"Y-you could've been electrocuted and you could've be d-died and it's all my fault."

"No it's not, I'm the idiot. You didn't do anything wrong," Connor reassured Evan.

"O-okay. Thank you for the toast."

"Yeah, of course. Do you want like peanut butter or honey for it? Or whatever you put on your toast?"

"Peanut butter is good," Evan said, trying to take deep breaths.

"Okay, where is it?"

"I'll get it," Evan said and got off the counter. He quickly found the peanut butter and sat it out.

"Kay, so like just put a glob and spread it?" Connor asked, only semi-jokingly.

"Y-yeah, like this," Evan said, and demonstrated on his toast.

"Mmk," Connor hummed as he copied Evan on his own toast. "Okay, let's give it a try.." Connor said slowly before taking a bite out of it. "It's fine I guess."

"It's amazing," Evan said smiling. Even though it wasn't the best, he wanted to encourage Connor.

"Really?! Thanks, love.." Connor replied and continued eating.

Evan quickly finished and drank some water while he waited for Connor.

Connor finished up his last bite, feeling extremely full. He smiled and looked to Evan. "All done. What would you like to do now?"

"C-can we go back to before? The cuddling and talking. Just maybe less c-crying this time."

"Yeah, less crying will be better."


Connor picked up Evan and took him to their room, then laid him on the bed before sitting beside him.

Evan smiled and snuggled close to Connor.

Connor hugged Evan tightly, then fell down onto the bed so he was laying beside him. "I love you Evan." He placed a hand over the blonde's heart and just felt it beat for a moment.

"I love you more." Evan smiled and kissed Connor.

"I love you the most," he said, then gave Evan a longer kiss.

Soulmates ~ A Treebros AU Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora