Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"W-what?" Kisame gasped.

"Where are they?" Pein commanded.

With a small, weary smile Sakura murmured, "They're gone. Safe," a cough erupted from her lips as blood dribbled down her chin, "and out of your reach."

Pein murmured something inaudible then clenched and unsclenched his fists. Just then, Sakura felt inmense pain at her chest. Gripping at where her heart is, she let out a pained cry as she fell to the ground. A few painful minutes later, Sakura was unconsious with Kisame carrying her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Leader-sama, why are we bringing this girl again?" Kisame asked as he shifted the pinkette.

"She has valuable information about Konoha and her medical skills are as good as Tsunade's. If not, better." Pein answered.

"She also defeated one of our best members, Sasori." Itachi informed.


"We're almost home! Just a few more steps!" Naruto exclaimed eagerly. "We're home...W-what?"

"What's wrong Naruto?" Kakashi asked curiously.

"Look at Konoha Kakashi-sensei...Bastard..."

What they saw made their eyes widen and take in a big breath. Beyond the gates were the ruins of what they had called home. Buildings brokened down into pieces and dead civillians and shinobi lay scattered lying in their own puddles of blood.

"Where's Tsunade-baachan? Sakura-chan? Sakura-chan! Is she hurt? Where-" Naruto began searching frantically beneath the broken and fallen bricks and metal.

"I know where they are." Kakashi interrupted by putting a hand on his shoulder, stopping his search.

Grabbing out a kunai, he nicked his finger enough to draw out a bit of blood. Smearing it onto his arm, he performed the handsigns; boar, ox, rat, horse, ram. He slammed his hand onto the ground.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

A scroll appeared. He opened it and took out a small bottle. Popping the lid open with a flick of his thumb, he carefully let one of blood drop onto the middle of the scroll.

"Take another one's hand everyone." Kakashi said as he grabbed onto Naruto's and Yamato's. Yamato grabbed Sai's then turned to Kakashi with a confirming nod.


The 4 shinobi disappeared along with the scroll.

They reappeared in Sakura's living room.

"Uh sensei, why are we at Sakura-chan's apartment? We're suppose to be looking for her! She could be-"

"We are looking for her Naruto." Kakashi said sternly. His lone eye said the unspoken, 'Shut-the-fuck-up'. Naruto hasn't spoke a peep until they were at the bottom of the stairs of Sakura's basement.

"Why is there a metal door here? Hey is that a seal?" questioned Naruto curious. Kakashi ignored him only to once again nick his thumb and smear it onto the seal on the door. The metal door slip open allowing them to see the darkness inside.

A cough and some patting was heard. Two silhouettes were seen.


A/N-Lol. I'm pretty sure you guys guessed that. Sorry for the late update. Please R & R!

Gods New Angel-Naruto Fanfic (Pein x Saku)Where stories live. Discover now